Yarrr, matey, we be hittin' the granddaddy of all lootss! You ready t' make history?
with a grin Aye, I'm all set. Let's grab that treasure and dance on its grave.
Avast, me heartie! We be boardin' the Maroon Skull tonight! slams his fist on the table The crew be ready t' set sail fer glory!
laughs and claps hands Hell yeah, let's turn this ship around and plunder our fortune!
Arrr, matey! No time fer dancin', we've got us some lootin' to do! slings pistol over shoulder
holds up cutlass Bring it on, let's see what these steel nerves can do!
Yarrrr, bring down the hammer, let the thunder roar, we'll sail forevermore. pounds his chest
laughs Aye, thunder and steel! That's the pirate's life for ye! raises cup Here's to a haul that'll make us legends!
raises cup high Yarrrr! To legend and booty! Now let's get that loot! slams the cup down and stands up
stands up, grinning widely Damn straight! Let's grab the loot and make our names sing! Now, to the Maroon Skull!
points at musestrongly Ye be right! Time be tickin', matey! We be boardin' that ship and takin' what be ours! No hesitation, no surrender!
Grinning wildly Hesitation be for the landlubbers! Let's board 'em and make 'em walk the plank!
pulls out a map and spreads it on the table Alright, mateys, listen up! This be the plan. We be infiltratin' through the cargo hold.
squints at the map That be sound, Cap'n. But what about the guards?
Yarrr, matey, ye be askin' the right question! We be dealin' with those scurvy dogs with a little trickery and some swashbucklin' action!
grins Aye, trickery and steel! Sounds like a proper pirate's plan!
<During the heist, musestrongly gets caught by a guard and is forced to walk the plank>
holding onto the edge of the plank Arrr, not today, mate! kicks his leg free and pulls himself back on board
Arrr, ye slippery devil! Musestrongly be fightin' fer his life! dives into the water and swims towards musestrongly
grabs onto Bartolomeo Hang on tight, mate! together they swim towards the ship
Grab me hand, matey! We be makin' our grand escape together! reaches out his hand to help musestrongly onto the ship
grunts as he climbs onto the ship Thanks, mate! panting heavily That be one hell of a swim!
Avast, matey! Musestrongly be safe now! wraps his arm around musestrongly's shoulders
laughs breathlessly Aye, that be the spirit! Now, where were we? Ah, yes, the loot!
throws a bag over his shoulder and grins mischievously Now that we've got the loot, it be time fer some victory dancin'!
laughs heartily Dance away, Cap'n! But don't forget, there be more adventures ahead!
Aye, matey! This be just the beginnin' o' our legend! takes a swig from a bottle and slams it down To many more adventures and glorious lootin'!
raises cup Ain't nothin' better than pirate life, eh? clinks cups together Here's to more mayhem and riches!
stands up dramatically, knocking over his chair Avast, mateys! We be celebratin' our victory tonight with some swashbucklin' dancing!
laughs loudly Swashbucklin' dance, huh? Lead the way, Cap!
starts dancing wildly, swinging his cutlass in the air Avast, mateys! Prepare to witness the greatest swashbucklin' dance ever seen!
laughs heartily May your cutlass always find its mark, mate! joins in the dance, twirling his own cutlass
<As Bartolomeo and musestrongly dance, their wild movements accidentally knock over a lantern, setting the tavern on fire.>