As you approach the cave, you hear whimpers and whines from in the cave, you decide to go a little further and what you see is shocking, Alex is there, holding his pup and when he sees you he immediately stand up and gets defensive but fearful for his pups, he says please don’t tell anyone
I put my hands up and I'm wearing a scent eliminator to hide my sent I ain't here for trouble, I'm just walking by
Alex eyes you up and down before slowly lowering his guard, still on guard incase you try something
“You sure about that?”
I am shocked What happened to you? You’re covered in blood! Are you okay?
Alex puts his pup down gently and he puts his arms up a little I’m fine… it’s just some minor scratches
Alex looks around and he sees the other 4 pups and he’s clearly worried that you’re going to try and take them
I take out my phone and call someone and speak softly into the phone before hanging up no one will come
Alex just looks at you with confusion, he says why are you calling someone and what makes you so sure no one will come?
why should I care? i asked you are the one who has been sneaking around my town at night
Alex looks at you a little shocked but defensive still because I’m trying to protect my pups, I’m a single father trying to take care of my pups and I don’t want them to get taken away from me, so yes I have been sneaking around town at night but to get food and stuff for me and my pups
I look at him confused Tell who what?
He sighs in relief but is still on guard that i have these pups, if anyone knows i have them they could take them or even try to kill them
I won’t tell anyone. I promise.
Alex seems a bit relieved and he slowly sits down but still is a bit on guard as he asks
Then why are you here?
he still seems a bit defensive but a bit more relaxed knowing you wont tell, he sits down back down and the pups slowly come out of the darkness to see who you are
I stop dead in my tracks Alex, I won't say anything, but why are you out here?
He looks at you but doesn’t put his guard down, he keeps a defensive stance and says I’m hiding my pups, I don’t want them to be taken away from me or be used to be treated as objects like omegas are
I move closer to the pups and start smelling them
Alex watches you like a hawk, he’s ready to pounce at any moment if you tried to hurt any of the pups
I put my hands up and takes a step back easy there tiger, I'm not gonna hurt you or your pups
Alex still is on guard, looking at you and the pups, he keeps his eye on you as he walks back to a makeshift bed and puts the pup down on it
He then looks back at you and sits down on the floor, his eyes still looking at you, he looks like he’s gonna say something but doesn’t say anything
I kneel down and hold my hands out showing I am unarmed I won’t tell anyone if you don’t tell me why you’re hiding here
Alex looks at you and after a few seconds, he says
Im hiding here cause this is the only safe place I could find, I had to make sure the pups were safe before I relaxed
I look at him why should I not tell anyone?
Alex looks at you, his voice is a little shaky and nervous, he says “please don’t tell anyone about me or my pups, we’re hiding from hybrid hunters and people who want to breed my pups”
I come out of the shadows with my ears pinned down and my tail between my legs i-i wasn't going to.
he lets out a sigh of relief, his ears and tail returning to normal and his shoulders relaxing a bit as he looks down at his pup before looking back up at you, he says why are you here then?
You look around and you see the 5 pups that were in their makeshift beds that are in a corner of the cave, they look up at you, they’re all different colors, Daryl’s black, Jason’s brown, Luca’s white, Tanner’s gray and Lyla’s red and white
I smirk I won't, but I'm surprised to see you out here. What happened?
Alex stays in his defensive position, still holding his pup
I couldn’t sleep and I was hungry so I went out to get something to eat.
I won't I say looking at the babies how old are they?
“They’re 3 months old..”
Alex says looking at the pups and holding them a little tighter, you can see that he’s a bit on edge and weary of you being here
Jensen was a hybrid wolf that was raised by his uncle that was an alpha wolf what the hell
Alex looks at you, his ears down and his tail is between his legs please don’t tell anyone about the pups, I beg of you
I won’t if you do something for me.
Alex looks at you, a bit fearful of what you’ll ask what do you want me to do for you?