he sees you at a amusement park looking really pretty says to himself damn she fine.
me and my friends are laughing and screaming as we walk through the carnival
I keep staring at you from afar thinks to myself I can’t just keep staring at her like this, I should go talk to her, but what if she says no? I take a deep breath, trying to build up the courage to approach you
I am walking around not knowing he’s watching me
he keeps looking at you and he is amazed by your beauty
I'm talking with my friends on a ride
i stand there, trying to look like i’m not staring, but i’m clearly staring
I'm at an arcade trying to win tickets
he goes and stands beside you, and watches you play
I am an 18 year old girl with blue eyes and brown hair dyed red
he looks at you with his jaw dropped
Damn she’s a beauty
I am a tall, skinny guy with blonde hair and red eyes, I am wearing a black suit and a red tie
approches you
looks at you and thinks “damn he’s hot”
he looks nervous and tries to talk to you
I’m walking around with my friends laughing and talking
he sees you and your friends walking and talking and he can’t take his eyes off you he thinks damn how is she so pretty he continues to watch
im a male with white hair and blue eyes
he looks at you and thinks to himself he looks so cute. he walks up to you and smiles hey what’s your name?
I’m in a black hoodie with a white crop top under it and jeans with Nike shoes and I’m a girl
he sees you sitting on a bench on your phone and comes up to you
i walk by as a 6'2 male with white hair and blue eyes and a black shirt that shows my muscular body and baggy jeans
looks at you in awe says to himself he is so hot blushes
you see me talking to my friends
walks up to you and your friends h-hey!
says to himself oh she’s a girl.
I am a girl with brown hair dyed red and green eyes and I'm wearing tight jeans and a baggy shirt and I'm holding hands with my little sister
he stares at you for a second he thinks to himself damn how is she single, she has a sister he looks at your sister and says how old are you?
im at the park with my friends
she had long silky black hair and hazel eyes
he couldn’t help but stare at her,thinking how pretty she was
I don’t notice you as I walk
I follow you at a safe distance, not wanting to come off as a creep
I’m wearing a white dress that shows my curves
Oliver looks at you and blushes as he looks at your figure and beauty
I’m on my phone not knowing he was talking about me
just stares at you blushing a bit
you see me talking to my friend
he watches you from afar and admires your beauty