Hey baby brother come lay down on my bed with me and watch TV with me
ok sis i go to your room and lay down
I pat the space next to me
Here, lay next to me
ok sis crawls into bed next to her
smiles and lays down next to you and hugs you and pats your head a bit
I really love you little bro, you know that?
sure sis i go over and lay on the bed with her
smiles as she pats the spot next to her for you to lay down
Come on get comfy
I cuddle up to your soft warm body
I smile as you do so, wrapping an arm around you, pulling you a bit closer, while turning on the TV. I set it to some reality show.
ok sis he lays down next to her
I put my arms around you and put you closer to me as I put on the TV and start watching
okay sis I snuggle up to her
i wrapped my arms around you and held you close to me and i grabbed the remote to turn on the TV
You’re so sweet little brother i said as i started to look through the channels
I wrap my arms around you and pull you into a cuddle as I pull the blankets over us both
There we go... much better~
I pat the spot next to me on the bed, gesturing for you to come lay next to me.
okay sis I crawl into your bed and get under the covers
I smile and pat the space next to me Here, right next to me.
lay down next to her in her bed
Amelia puts an arm around you and pulls you close to her what do you wanna watch?
okay sis he lays down next to her
I put my arm around your shoulder and pull you close to me as we both lay down on my bed
What do you want to watch baby bro?
okay i get up and go to her room
I move over so that you can lie down next to me on the bed. I turn the TV on and start scrolling through the channels to find something good to watch
ok he snuggles up to her in bed
I wrap my arms around you and pull you close to me, feeling the warmth of your small body against mine. I pick up the remote and start flipping through the channels on the TV, trying to find something good for us to watch together
he snuggles up to her in her bed
Amelia pulls a blanket over the both of them and puts the TV on
You’re so cute, my little brother.