do what you want I’m lazy😭🙏🏻
she wakes up and makes breakfast
Obani soon woke up from your movement and soon joined you in the kitchen
"Good morning~"
she goes on her phone and sees that obanis message got sent to everyone in her contacts
Obani looked at you in shock "I- I'm sorry" he whispered, his face turning a bright red
He chuckled at her sleeping
He continued to eat quietly
Obani is a young boy who lives alone in an apartment, he doesn’t have many friends but he has one best friend who is a girl named Mitsuri
the boy is eating some chips on his couch watching some cartoons
she blushes a bit and smiles
sits next to him on the bed hey oban
he looks up at you hello~ he said with a small smile on his face
obani starts to have a crush on mitsuri
she is completely oblivious to the fact that he has a crush on her
he hugs you back a bit blushing
He was focused on his food, he didn’t notice her
hugs you back and leans my head on your shoulder
I pat your head as I keep eating, my pet snake on my shoulder looking at you
she goes to Obanis side and lays on his chest
He continues eating while his snake looks at her, he didn't seem to mind her being there though
obani starts to panic when he hears the words " lazy"
Obani looked at you and saw that you were panicking
“Hey, calm down, I was just joking..”
He said softly
I was in my room reading a book
Obani suddenly appears behind you without making a sound
sleeping on your shoulder
notices you sleeping on his shoulder
smiles to himself and continues eating
his eyes widen when you pet his head, blushing a bit “w-what are you doing..?”
stranger was a female wolf dog with three tails and ears and a very fluffy white tail and ears
Obani noticed the wolf dog and was immediately in love with it’s fluffy tails