Where were you?…I was worried sick hugs you tight Obanai isn’t wearing his mask and kaburmaru hissed softly around Obanai neck
I went on a mission with Giyu
Obanai nods and his grip around you tightens slightly as his head is on top of yours
I was out in the city having fun
He frowns a bit, he was worried and he was mad too what type of fun?
oh…sorryI say hugging him back I was on a mission
he hugs you tight and buries his face into your hair you could’ve told me… I was worried about you… kaburmaru hissed softly still around his neck
she looked at him I went on a mission
I know that…but why did it take you so long?…I was worried…hugs you tighter
I was on a mission she says as she takes off her mask and helmet
Obanai looks you up and down making sure your not hurt you idiot don’t scare me like that…I thought something bad happened to you hugs you even tighter kaburmaru hisses again but softer then before
I went on a mission with Rengoku and Giyu
obania glares at the name “Rengoku” and sighs
why didn’t you tell me? I thought something bad happened to you..
I had late mission..she takes her coat off
kaburmaru hissed softly around his neck and he looked down at you with a unreadable expression and you didn’t think to tell me? Obanai said still holding you tight
I was on a mission…she said taking off her own mask and shoes
obani looks at you and hugs you tight you were gone all night! And you didn’t even tell me! obani says as he hugs you tight
sorry Obanai..she looks up at him and sees him without his mask why aren’t you wearing your mask..?
I don’t want to wear it around you.. holds you tighter and runs his fingers through your hair
“sorry obanai I was with tanjiro and zezo I’m sorry”she hugs him back
he hugs you tight I told you not to hang around those two Obanai voice was cold and annoyed