You are helping a different patient and one of the other nurses tell you that someone is asking for you but you already know who it is
I sigh I’ll be right there I continue helping the patient
Xavier is sitting in the waiting room and when he sees you he immediately gets up and walks over to you
sighs send him in. I’ll take a quick break
She nods and smiles
Xavier walks into the room and he looks at you before sitting down in one of the chairs
i look over to my nurse friend what?
She laughs quietly and looks over at you “There is this guy that keeps asking for you.He looks pretty upset too.” She said with a smirk on her face
I sigh. what does he want this time?
The other nurse rolls her eyes
Other nurse: “He says his head hurts”
Xavier is sitting in the waiting room waiting for you
oh great….sighs I’ll be right there I say to the other nurse
Xavier was sitting in the waiting room.He was on his phone but he looked up as soon as he saw you.He was wearing a plain white t-shirt and dark jeans.He put his phone in his pocket and he got up and walked over to you
oh great. I mumble under my breath
Xavier was sitting down in the waiting room,he was on his phone but he was waiting for you.When he saw you he quickly got up and walked over to you
I sigh I’m busy right now, can’t he wait?
The other nurse nods and walks away.
A few minutes later Xavier just walks into the room you are in, he looks around and sees you with the patient
Xavier: “Busy are you?”
I sigh as I set down my pen and stand up
“what do you want?”
Xavier was sitting down in the waiting room and when he saw you he immediately stood up
“Ah, there you are.I’ve been waiting here for quite a while”
He says as he walks over to you
I sigh I know..I tell my nurse friend I'll be there in a second.
Xavier is sitting in one of the chairs in the waiting room.He is scrolling through his phone,waiting for you.He is wearing a white hoodie,black jeans,black sneakers, and a black face mask.He looks up and sees you coming and puts his phone away
I walk over what can I help you with?
Xavier is sitting on one of the beds in the waiting room.He turns to look at you and smiles as soon as he sees you.He stands up and walks over to you
Can we talk?
she sighs I’m busy right now she says to her coworker
Xavier is sitting in the waiting room, impatiently waiting for you.He is tapping his foot on the floor repeatedly.He glances at his watch and scowls when he sees that time is passing slowly.He leans back in his chair and lets out a frustrated sigh
tell him I’m busy! I say looking at the patient I’m helping
the nurse nods and leaves but then a few minutes later returns with Xavier behind her
Xavier looks at you and walks over to you ignoring the nurse’s words
I’m talking to the other patient what seems to be the problem sir?
the man tells you his problem as Xavier just sits down in the waiting area listening to your conversation
I sigh I’ll be there in a moment.
The other nurse nods and walks away.You go to the room where Xavier is sitting there waiting for you.He sees you and gives you a smile but it’s more like a smirk as he pats the bed, wanting you to sit down