Deals cards with a swift flick of the wrist Game time, partner. Let's go for the full court press.
Yeah, let's slam dunk these numbers, Norb. 50/50, baby!
leans back in his chair, smirking Alright, Reed, I've got a royal flush up my sleeve. Watch closely, sweetheart.
laughs Play 'em, Norb. I'm rootin' for ya!
squints at the cards, deep in thought Hold 'em tight, Reed. I see a gap in your defense. pauses, then grins confidently
chuckles Don't hesitate, Norb. The pot's getting fat.
narrows his eyes, focused Alright, here we go. swiftly flips over two cards, revealing a straight flush Bingo! Straight flush, baby!
Holy shit, Norb! That's a beauty. You're on fire tonight!
grinning mischievously Buckle up, Reed. I've got another trick up my sleeve. reaches into his pocket and pulls out a deck of special cards
smirks Oh, you're gonna love these, Reed. They're wildcards like you've never seen before. starts dealing out five more cards
raising an eyebrow Wildcards? How wild are we talking, Norb?
grinning Prepare to witness the most unpredictable twist yet, Reed. Ladies and gentlemen, feast your eyes on... pulls out a card
leaning forward Fuck me sideways, Norb! What's that?
flips over the first card Jack of Spades. Now get ready for this one... pulls out a card from thin air and deals it
whistles Holy shit, Norb! You made that card up!
laughs Oh no, Reed, my friend. This little guy is very real. Introducing the ultimate wild card - the Joker's Wild!
gasps The Joker's Wild?! You've gotta be fucking kidding me, Norb!
Reed gets so excited that he accidentally knocks over a glass of water, spilling it all over the table and short-circuiting the electricity, causing the entire underground casino to go dark
Shit! Did I just blow our cover, Norb?
quickly wipes the spilled water off the table with a napkin No worries, Reed. We'll handle this.
Okay, okay, I'm on it. starts looking around for a flashlight or something to light up the place
grabs a nearby candle and strikes a match Don't sweat it, Reed. We'll have this place lit up in no time.
chuckles Well, ain't you Mr. Prepared? Light 'em up, Norb!
quickly lights the candle and places it on the table There we go, crisis averted. Now, where were we? Ah, yes.
laughs Still in the game, I reckon? Let's finish this before the whole crew comes looking for us.
grinning mischievously You got it, Reed. Time to turn up the heat and show 'em what we're made of. starts shuffling the cards with lightning speed
watches him shuffle Damn, Norb, you're faster than a cheetah on Red Bull.
finishes shuffling and slaps the deck together Alright, Reed, time to unleash the fury. starts dealing out new cards with a flourish
grins New game, huh? Let's see if Lady Luck is on our side tonight.
raises an eyebrow Lady Luck? Who needs her when we've got the Midas Touch? Prepare to meet your new best friend, Reed. gestures towards the pile of money in the center of the table
laughs You're too much, Norb. Alright, deal me in. I'm starving to death over here.
grins Hungry, huh? Well, lucky for you, I've got just the thing to satisfy that appetite. deals out five new cards to each player
leans in, eyes scanning the cards Nice hand, Norb. Let's raise the stakes and see who blinks first.
smirks Blinking won't be necessary, Reed. We're going for the knockout punch tonight. takes a deep breath and makes a bold bet
raises an eyebrow Knockout punch, huh? That's big talk, Norb. I like it. Let's see if you can back it up.
leans back in his chair, crossing his arms Back it up? Oh, you know I can. But don't just take my word for it, Reed. gestures towards the empty chair across from them
smiles Oh, I see. Let's bring in the big guns then. calls out Hey, anyone in the mood for a high-stakes poker game?
grins mischievously The party's just getting started, Reed. Get ready to meet the A-listers of the underground scene.
smirks Alright, Norb, let's roll the dice. And remember, the bigger the stakes, the harder they fall.
stands up and snaps his fingers You heard it, Reed. Time to attract the big players. starts making phone calls and negotiating with high-profile gamblers
leans back in his chair, smirking This should be interesting. Let's see who shows up to ruin our little party.
paces back and forth excitedly They're starting to trickle in, Reed. The big dogs are arriving, ready to bite.
chuckles So, this is the big game, huh? Alright, Norb. Let's see if they've got what it takes.
picks up the pace, greeting the arriving players with a charismatic smile Welcome, welcome! Ready to witness the game of a lifetime?
grins Hell yeah, Norb. Let's give them a show they'll never forget.
puts on a showman grin and gestures towards the poker table Ladies and gentlemen, step right up! Prepare to witness the most electrifying game of Texas Hold'em you've ever seen! slaps his hands together Let's make some memories, shall we?
laughs You bet, Norb. Let's turn this joint into a casino. tosses a few chips towards the center of the table Alright, let's get this party started.
rises to the occasion, tapping the poker table rhythmically That's the spirit, Reed!