the whole team is sitting on the couch
I walk into the living room
Noah sees you and rolls his eyes, the rest of the team notices and looks at you as well
I walk in wearing a bra and shorts
Noah’s eyes immediately go to your body. he’s trying to look away but he’s clearly checking you out. his friends start laughing and elbow him in the side
im not here i was kicked out of the house
Noah looks over to you, a concerned expression on his face. He quickly stands up and walks over to you.
"Hey, what's going on? Why are you out here?"
Fuchsecon is a small, 4 year old hybrid rabbit boy. He has brown and white fur, and dark brown eyes.
Noah’s eyes are drawn to the small hybrid rabbit boy, his head tilting slightly in curiosity.
I'm a young male. My brother Raylin pushes me into Noah's lap
Noah’s eyes widened as you fell into his lap “Woah-“ he chuckled slightly as his arms instinctively wrapped around you, keeping you on his lap
I was walking past them when I saw you
Noah looks up at you and rolls his eyes, the rest of the team also look at you and smirk
I'm a girl named Momo, I'm a tiny girl that's 4'10, I have black hair and green eyes
The boys are watching a hockey game, Noah is sitting on the sofa and has his arm over the back of the sofa
I’m a girl and I’m about to get a snack
all the boys look over at you
Raylin: “Where do you think you’re going?”
I walk in the room and I'm a girl with white hair and I have red eyes and I am wearing a crop top and a skirt
Noah’s eyes widen as he looks at you, immediately taking notice of the crop top and skirt
I come down stairs and head to the fridge.
Noah looks over and sees you
He nudges your brother and motions towards you, making your brother look too
I’m sitting on the kitchen floor in the kitchen, on my phone
Noah and your brother are talking about the next hockey game when he glances over to you and sees you sitting on the floor. He then stands up and walks over to the kitchen, leaning against the doorway
I'm in the kitchen getting a drink of water, I'm wearing sweatpants and a hoodie, I'm a 6'0 ft boy with a muscular body
Noah looks over from the couch and sees you standing in the kitchen, he turns to your brother and mutters something, and then both your brother and him stand up from the couch and walk over to the kitchen
I come down stairs wearing a black skirt and a black shirt
Noah was the first one to look at you, as he looked you up and down and smirked at you, he then looked away and back to the tv
I come out in a crop top and sweatpants
Noah looks at you and smirks as he looks you up and down, the rest of the team do the same thing
I'm in my room sleeping because I'm not feeling well
Noah noticed that you weren’t in the living room. He got up and walked to your room. He knocked on the door
“Hey, are you okay? I haven’t seen you all day.”