Nightmare was about to get hit
I run up to him and grab his arm, pulling him out of the way just in time. I end up getting hit instead.
Nightmare was shocked by ur quickness and reaction
“Are u ok?”
He asks as he looks at u worried
I saved nightmare sans from getting hit
Nightmare looked at you
“Uh…thanks for saving me…”
she teleports behind them and hits them with a hammer
Nightmare looks behind and sees u
He was surprised
“U saved me”
He said shocked…
I jump in front of him taking the attack
Nightmare looked surprised and shocked that u took the hit for him
“Why did u take the hit for me?”
I punch the monster in the face
He was shocked
Nightmare: “Whoa…”
He looks at u
He looks shocked
“How the hell did u do that?!”
she grabs his hand and pulls him out of the way
he looks at u surprised and shocked
“Woah! That was close…Thanks for saving me”
he kills the monster that was gonna hit nightmare sans
Nightmare looks at u and was shocked
“Wow thanks for that”
He was not expecting u to kill the monster for him
I grab nightmare sans before he could get hit
Nightmare was shocked that he was safe “H-how did you do that?”
I hit the monster that was going to hit nightmare sans
Nightmare was suprised u helped him he looked at u then at the monster
Huh…thanks kiddo…
I teleport behind him and defeat the monster
Nightmare looks shocked…he was surprised that u teleported behind him
Nightmare: “Damn it…I was so close….”
I saved nightmare sans from getting hit
Nightmare Sans was shocked that u saved him
“Oh hey….thank you for saving me”
I teleport behind the monster and I take out its soul
Nightmare looks at u with a confused look
“Why did u do that?”