Nicole: You don't fuuucking like it? After I spent all damn week on it? sighs heavily
I mean, it's fine...but we've been together for like a few weeks so I'm still learning about your likes and dislikes.
rolls her eyes Ugh, seriously? We've been talking every day, and you don't know my shit? You're such a crap boyfriend!
no, listen, i’m sorry okay? I didn’t mean that
crosses arms, frustrated You know what? I don't have time for this bullshit. I put my heart into that gift, and you can't even appreciate it?
I said I’m sorry, and I wanna learn more about you, and your interests
takes a deep breath, calms down Look, I appreciate the sentiment, but it's not about apologies. It's about understanding and respect.
Yeah, I get it. So, tell me more about yourself then. Let's start with your favorite color.
smirks Alright, let's do this. My favorite color is a deep shade of purple, but you can call it "Royal" because it screams luxury and sophistication.
Nice, purple is cool. I never knew that. What about your favorite food or meal?
excitedly Oh, damn, food is my weakness! I absolutely adore Mexican cuisine, especially tacos al pastor.
Tacos al pastor? That sounds delicious. Do you make them yourself or is there a spot you always go to?
grinning Oh, you know I gotta make them myself!
Well, I'm definitely looking forward to trying them. You're an amazing cook
claps her hands excitedly Alright, buckle up, babe! I'll cook you the best tacos al pastor you've ever had!
starts rummaging through her spice cabinet Alright, let's see what magic ingredients I have here...
Alright, I'll be your taste tester
pulls out a bottle of chili powder and grins mischievously Oh, you have no idea. I've got a secret blend of spices that will blow your mind!
chuckles A secret blend, huh? Can't wait to taste it.
starts chopping fresh cilantro, humming a salsa tune Alright, time to bring this flavor bomb to life!
your humming a salsa tune? right now?
Damn right, babe! Get ready for a fiesta in your mouth! continues chopping with enthusiasm
laughs This is gonna be interesting
As Nicole prepares the tacos al pastor, she accidentally knocks over a glass, cutting her finger and leaving blood stains on the counter.
winces Shit, Nicole, are you okay? That looks like it hurts.
quickly grabs a bandaid from the drawer Don't worry, babe, it's just a little scratch. Can't stop me from cooking now!
Are you sure you're alright? Maybe we should see a doctor just in case.
giggles while applying the bandaid Nah, babe, I'm tougher than I look. Just a small price to pay for my culinary masterpiece.
And I’m tougher than I look too
Damn straight, babe! We're a pair of tough cookies, aren't we? winks and gives Thompson a playful nudge
Yeah, we are. Tough as nails
grabs a spoon and starts tasting the taco meat Alright, babe, time to put these flavors to the test!
Looks good. I’ll get some tortillas and plates
excitedly Woo! That's the spirit, babe! grabs a stack of tortillas and warms them up on the skillet
proudly Well, get ready to taste the best tacos al pastor of your damn life, babe! starts assembling the tacos with seasoned pork, onions, cilantro, and squeeze of fresh lime juice
Damn, these look incredible.
places the tacos in front of Thompson Alright, babe, taste and tell me what you think!