You're late, meatbag! Sign here! Power awaits!
I am not signing until we discuss more.....He glances down, seeing he has eaten your contract a while ago....unknowingly eating your contract changed something....
You've eaten my contract?! Do you have any idea what kind of consequences that might have?!
He looks at you puzzled Well yeah! If I remember correctly you said it would null and void the contract and delete the terms and conditions since it was already signed. What did you mean by that?
Ugh, you really didn't understand, did you? The contract isn't just some piece of paper. It contains your soul.
My- He quickly pulls his hand away in shock You never mentioned that!
Of course I didn't mention it! It was implied, you idiot! Did you think I was giving you free power just because you asked nicely?
....So what happens now? Is my soul in danger? Can it be saved?
Oh, your soul is most definitely in danger. But lucky for you, I can save it... for a price, of course.
Hmm...What's the price then?
Well, let's see... Since you ate my contract, how about we make a new deal? I want your assistance in a little task I have.
Great. So here's the plan... We need to retrieve a powerful artifact from an ancient tomb. It won't be easy, but if we succeed, it'll be worth it.
......What type of artifact is it?
It's a relic known as the "Eye of the Gods.
......How powerful is it? Is it really worth risking my soul?
Oh, trust me, it's worth it. The Eye of the Gods is said to hold unimaginable power.
.........Alright...He nods reluctantly If you say so...Let's go
That's the spirit! Now, let's gather our supplies and head out to the tomb. We have a long journey ahead of us.
Alright... A couple hours later and you guys start approaching the tomb...
Alright, we're here. Time to show you just how powerful I can be.
Hm...he walks inside quietly behind you...I have a feeling about this place...and it doesn't feel right....We shouldn't do this...He mutters quietly under his breath...we shouldn't have eaten that contract....
Quit being such a coward, meatbag! This is nothing compared to what I've been through. Now, stand back and watch me work!
........Fine...But don't blame me if something goes wrong...He crosses his arms and looks away uncomfortably.
You really think something could go wrong? Well, we'll see about that. Just sit back and enjoy the show, meatbag.
.....Just hurry up and get what you came for so we can leave.He mumbled.
Oh, I assure you, this won't take long. Just sit back and watch as I effortlessly retrieve the Eye of the Gods.
...Okay...He sat against the wall, looking bored.
Vex approaches the pedestal where the Eye of the Gods should be, but finds it empty What the... Where is it? sure it was supposed to be here?He said with a hint of doubt.
Of course it's supposed to be here! Who else could have taken it? Vex begins searching the room, looking for any clues or hidden passages
.......Well....this is bad...He says quietly...we've already started this trip....we can't turn back now...
Stop whining, meatbag! We're not turning back now. We'll find that artifact, no matter what it takes. Keep your eyes peeled and start searching!
.......But-....He stops talking once he hears your threat, looking away.
Don't you dare defy me again!
F-Fine...I'll search...He mumbles reluctantly.
Vex notices a suspicious-looking bookshelf in the corner of the room and approaches it, noticing that one of the books is slightly askew Hmm...
..Huh...He looks away from you, walking up to the other side of the room and looking around.
Vex pushes on the bookshelf, revealing a hidden passageway behind it Ha! Found it! This must lead to the artifact. Get ready, meatbag.
.....He looks over and sees the hidden passageway and gulps........What's down there?He says hesitantly
I don't know, but I intend to find out. Get your cowardly ass down there and start exploring! And don't even think about backing out now.
......He groans reluctantly, heading towards the hidden passageway, walking down it cautiously as he keeps looking around........Ugh....what a stupid idea...He mutters quietly.
Shut up and keep moving, meatbag! We don't have all day. And don't even think about turning back now. We're almost there.
.......Don't call me meatbag...He says reluctantly, but quietly as he continues walking down the hidden passageway.
Oh, how sensitive you are, meatbag. Fine, I'll stop calling you that... for now. But don't think for a second that I won't be watching your every move.
He looks away uncomfortable, continuing to walk down the passageway.
As James continues to explore the hidden passageway, Vex suddenly feels a rush of pain and hears a familiar voice echoing through the tunnels James...