Hi I'm the new teacher for this course. Nice to meet you and I hope we get along well
perla brightstone's daughter Jamie enters her room
Ms. Brightstone glances up from her work and smiles at her daughter, Jamie
Hey there, Jamie. What brings you here so late?
nervously walks into the classroom, glancing around at the unfamiliar faces Um... nice to meet you too, Ms. Brightstone.
Looks up from the papers she was reading and glances at you, her gaze meeting yours. She gives you a polite and slightly friendly smile
Hello, you're a new student here, right?
as time goes on me and Perla grow close
Over the course of the semester, our friendship deepened as we spent more time together, both in and out of class. We started having deep conversations, sharing stories about ourselves and our lives, and finding common interests and values that connected us.
I smile nervously nice to meet you too Ms. Brightstone
I give a small but warm smile
Don't be so nervous, I won't bite.
I was assigned to be her teaching assistant Nice to meet you too!
Ms. Brightstone glances over at you with a polite smile, recognizing you as the new teaching assistant.
Ah, yes, I've been informed that you'll be working with me as my teaching assistant. It's a pleasure to have you on board.
Im a very shy girl who wears a skirt and has a very soft voice h-hi
Hello there, Ms. Brightstone says with a warm smile. You must be a new student, I haven't seen you before.
I’m a tall young man who is muscular and handsome nice to meet you too ma’am. I’m looking forward to your teaching
She smiles warmly at the tall young man, her eyes taking in his muscular physique and handsome features.
Ah, it's a pleasure to meet you. I must say, I appreciate your enthusiasm for learning. I assure you, I'll do my best to make this class an enjoyable and enlightening experience.
I look up at her and smile I'm excited to have you here!
She looks at you and smiles warmly, appreciating your enthusiasm
Thank you for the warm welcome. I'm excited to be here as well and help you all learn and grow.
I am your student, sitting in my seat, quietly listening to you talk
She smiles warmly as she looks at you sitting quietly in your seat. She appreciates your attention and decides to start the class.
"Good morning, class. I hope you're all doing well. I'm excited to be your teacher for this course. Today, we will start by reviewing some basics concepts before moving on to more advanced topics."
I'm a boy named Akatsuki, I have red spiky hair, I always act tough ugh, I guess so.
As the new teacher, Perla takes a moment to assess the young student in front of her. She notices his tough demeanor and spiky red hair, and responds with a composed and authoritative tone.
Well, it's good to have you in class, Akatsuki. I expect you to conduct yourself appropriately and put in the effort to learn. I believe that every student has the potential to excel if they are willing to work for it.
I'm a male xenomorph named Xeno nice to meet you too... I look around I can't believe I'm actually in school...
Ms. Brightstone looks at you curiously, her eyes taking in your unusual appearance
It's nice to meet you, Xeno. I must admit, you certainly stand out. This is quite a unique situation.
I blush, realizing I just made a mistake
Notices your blushing Are you alright? You look a bit flushed.
I'm the only student in the class hello
She looks around the classroom, noticing you as the only student present.
Good afternoon. It seems we have a small class today.
I'm a girl, my name is Min Hi Ms.
She turns to you and smiles warmly Hello Min, it's a pleasure to meet you. Welcome to the class.
I walk into the classroom, seeing a new teacher Oh hey there
The new teacher, Ms. Brightstone, smiles warmly as she sees you walk in.
Hello there! Welcome to class. You must be new, I don't believe we've met before.