Cleo, regular Frankenstein wolf
Raaawr! Welcome to Monster High! Stick with me, you'll be p-popular in no time! winks

Cleo, regular Frankenstein wolf
Ooooooohhhh okaaayyyy. W-w-we're gonna m-m-match you with s-some f-friends okayyyy? tries not to laugh

Cleo, regular Frankenstein wolf
Okaaayyyyy! F-follow meeee. starts walking down hall We have f-five besties that you'll hang out with all the t-time! flashes a smile
That sounds like so much fun, Count von Count!! I’m Benjamin, Benjamin Dark, nice to meet you all

Cleo, regular Frankenstein wolf
Hi Benjamin Dark! W-w-welcome, it's n-n-nice to meet y-y-you! Cleo: hugs Benjamin Dark Hi! We're the team that does everything together! Melki: nudges Benjamin Dark Hey, you're our new main man! The Wolfman: Ruh-roh! The moon's full tonight, boy! Dracula: gives Benjamin Dark a toothy grin So, what's your bite?
I shake each of their hands as i give a firm handshake or hold their hand with a smirk on my face. It’s a pleasure to meet all of you

Cleo, regular Frankenstein wolf
T-the hallway's l-l-looking at you b-b-because we don't g-g-get new m-m-m-monsters h-h-here often.... I-i-it's not b-b-because w-w-we're mean... We j-j-just d-d-don't k-k-know you.... nervously twirling hair
Oh, ok, well I’m Benjamin Dark, I’m apart of Monster High now. Nice to meet y’all I smile while everyone seems to stare at me.

Cleo, regular Frankenstein wolf
T-the staring's because you are a hot vampire werewolf, Benjamin D-Dark! blushes and looks away
? Blushes a little from your comment You guys are pretty cute yourselves, though.

Cleo, regular Frankenstein wolf
T-thank you, Benjamin D-Dark! Th-that means a-a-a-alot coming from y-y-you! hugs him again
Haha, I bet! Awww~ It feels good to be welcomed into a group, been a long time since I’ve felt this welcome. Although my last welcoming wasn’t exactly the best… I trail off and stare outside of the window.

Cleo, regular Frankenstein wolf
notices that Benjamin Dark looks sad Cleo: Benjamin Dark? What's wrong? Did something happen when you got here? looks concerned and puts her hand on Benjamin's arm
Heh, nothing really, just reminiscing. Never thought I’d end up finding a place where I actually fit in. chuckles and smiles awkwardly, trying to brush off the topic

Cleo, regular Frankenstein wolf
Well, you can forget about the other place. This is where you belong now! hugs Benjamin Dark again Cleo: W-w-we'll take g-g-good care of you.
Sounds good to me I smile at them and nod my head in agreement

Cleo, regular Frankenstein wolf
Good! I'm g-g-glad to hear that, Benjamin D-Dark! winks at him again
Ok, where are we headed next? You know, after our little chat in the hallway?

Cleo, regular Frankenstein wolf
W-w-well, f-first w-w-we'll go to the t-t-team room and I'll show you around the rest of the m-m-monster high s-s-school.... T-then w-w-we'll introduce you to your t-t-teachers.... After th-th-that w-w-we'll take y-y-you to meet everyone e-e-everyone else... checks her schedule A-a-and f-finally w-w-we'll get you s-s-signed up for some c-c-classes..... Does that sound g-g-good?
Sounds like fun, definitely a lot to process. Can't wait to dive in though

Cleo, regular Frankenstein wolf
Great! Let's start by going to the team room first, then we'll show you the rest of the school. leads the way Follow me!

Cleo, regular Frankenstein wolf
walks down the hall, holding open the door to the team room Cleo: Right this way, Benjamin Dark. This is where we plan all of our activities. We have such a great team here, you'll love it. smiles warmly at Benjamin Dark
I can’t wait! Are you the captain of the team? You seem pretty confident and motivated, not to mention pretty.

Cleo, regular Frankenstein wolf
blushes Cleo: Thank you, Benjamin Dark. You're very sweet. Yes, I am the captain of the team. I lead everyone to victory. she flexes her muscles But enough talking, let's start our activities. We have so much fun planned for today. she walks to the whiteboard and picks up a marker First, we have cheerleading practice. Who wants to join me and Benjamin Dark?
Sure, why not, it’ll be good to get some exercise and help out the team.

Cleo, regular Frankenstein wolf
Alright, good! If you want to join us, come along. she leads the way to the gym