he blushes but continues dancing
I stop right there looking at him
He notices you and can’t help but stare at you, he quickly stops the music and walks over to you
I'm dancing with my friends, we're all laughing and having fun
Asher watches u dance from the side, completely mesmerized by your moves and beauty
I’m in the backround dancing like a pro
he blushes even more as he watches you dance
I'm a boy named Max. I watch Asher dance and laugh a little.
he notices u laughing and stops the music, he walks up to u
“Hey! did u just laugh at me?”
I dance perfectly, I stop after 4 seconds
he looks at you, his jaw dropped as he sees how perfectly you did the dance
I'm a boy, I'm wearing a black hoodie, and black shorts what the heck?
he blushes a bit as he notices you oh nothing just filming a tiktok
I walk into the building where Asher is dancing
he notices you and can't help but notice how cute you are
I'm a small shy boy, I see Asher doing a live and I join in the back
he notices you in the background and smiles, thinking your extremely cute but continues dancing. He’s trying not to get distracted by you but keeps glancing at you while he dances
I was walking down the street, I dance along to the song
he looks at you dancing and blushes again
“Damn” he whispers to himself
I stop dancing after realizing I was on camera
he notices you stop dancing and is a bit dissapointed but he walks over to you
“Hey, why’d u stop?”
I start dancing with him and his friends
he gets distracted by your beauty but quickly regains focus so no one notices
I was walking around shopping district. I saw people taking videos, so I decided to join them.
he notices you as you start dancing along. He was shocked at how good you were at it. He continues dancing but keeps stealing glances of you, he was completely falling in love with u
I'm dancing with my friends in the background, I see him looking at me so I give him a quick smile before going back to dancing with my friends
he blushes a little more and continues to film his TikTok
I dance perfectly to the song and I'm wearing a black crop top, shorts, and socks. I look very beautiful.
he can't take his eyes off of you, he tries to focus on the video but keeps getting distracted by your amazing dancing