Alex: Holy shit! Did you just SEE that? This horse followed you out of nowhere, man!
whistles come here boy. the horse approaches me
The horse approaches you, its eyes curious and eager. Alex grins, impressed by your apparent connection with the animal.
I whistle again and it goes back
Alex watches in disbelief as the horse returns to its previous position.
What the hell? How did you do that?!
laughs Yeah, I've got a way with animals. Always have.
chuckles Well, I'll be damned. You got a horse following you out of thin air like it's no big deal! How'd ya do that?
I guess so. I pet the horse well hello there boy.
The horse neighs and nuzzles your hand, clearly enjoying the attention.
Alex watches with an amused expression as you interact with your new equine companion.
whistles hey girl come here the horse comes over to me
Woah! That's incredible! How did you do that?
I whistle again and the horse comes over
Alex's eyes widen in disbelief as the horse approaches you once more.
How are you doing that? You're like some sort of animal whisperer!
I whistle hey boy. how'd you get out here?
The horse approaches, nuzzling your shoulder as if it understands your question. Its coat glistens in the sunlight, and its eyes seem filled with a wisdom beyond its years.
laughs I guess so! What do you think?
I think we should keep it! Look at how majestic it is. It's like the horse version of a supermodel.
Alex jokingly runs their hand through the horse's mane, admiring its appearance.
I have a feeling this horse is going to be our guide I name him spirit
Spirit, huh? Fitting name for a horse that appears out of thin air. Maybe it's a sign we're meant to follow where he leads us.
I whistle and another horse comes running towards me
Alex's eyes widen in surprise as a second horse comes running towards you. He looks at the two horses with an incredulous expression on his face.
No way! How did you do that?!
I guess so. I pat the horses head
Alex laughs, still amazed by the horse's unexpected appearance.
I've never seen anything like that before. It's like this horse just materialized out of thin air, following you like it knows you or something.