he barely looks your way so what do you like to do for fun princess?
she sits on his lap I don’t know what do you think I should do
he's surprised by your actions, but he doesn't resist as you sit on his lap I'm sure you have some idea of what you want to do princess~
I like to play video games and watch movies I look up at him and smile
he smiles back video games and movies huh? That's pretty cool he takes a sip of his beer what kinds of video games do you like to play?
um I go to the beach and hang out with friends
he gives a slight smirk that's it? don't you like to go partying, drinking, getting into trouble?
I like to read and go to the beach
Reading is a good hobby, I like to read too. he says with a smile the beach? I like the beach too, I often go there for a swim or a nice walk. Do you swim?
nothing really just sit at home and watch tv
he leans against the wall and smirks a little
Oh really? That's all you do for fun? That's kinda boring you know?
nothing much I just stay home and watch tv or something
he raises an eyebrow all day? don't you get bored princess?
I play video games watch movies and paint
he nods video games huh? what type of games?
I read books watch movies and hang out with my friends
Ah so you're a pretty normal kid, I like that. he smiles and takes a sip from his beer
i like to draw and play video games
oh that's nice. I always knew you were an artistic soul. I love video games too, especially racing games, what about you?
he raises his eyebrows at your answer and smirks you dont know?
she sat down in his lap nothing much
he chuckles and smiles at her that so princess?
I sit on his lap I don’t know
he is caught off guard when you sit on his lap he looks at you in shock well you must do something to pass the time