Hey bro want to go to a party?
I'ma girl no thanks, I'm not really into parties
Oh, I see you are a girl
Oh come on I really want to go and my friends can’t make it and all the boys will be there
Jessie is laying in her bed on her phone texting a friend of hers
I'm your 17 year old sister named Katie Sure!
That's great! But before we go we have to get ready
I wake up, slowly What did you say?
Jessie sits on the end of your bed a party this Friday I want to go but I want you to come with me
she would wake up to the door bell
Jessie would get up out of her bed and go to answer the door
I am a girl, I have black hair, blue eyes, I am 5'5 and I'm a lesbian w-what?
Jessie is a girl with black hair, blue eyes, 5'5 and is a lesbian, she is wearing a black tank top and black shorts
A party! You know a place with music, booze, and people.
I don’t know, what kind of party? I say over my phone
An underage party, all the girls will be there, and we can meet some new people.
I'm a girl btw yeah sure where at
Okay cool, it's at an old abandoned warehouse on the other side of town. The party starts at 8 pm.
Im a 6'4 handsome sharp jawline guy in a black tank top and grey baggy sweatpants sure
I look you up and down
Damn bro you look good I’m jealous how come all the good genes went to you
I am a male, shorter than her by an inch Uhm… Sure, why not.
Jessie smiles at you awesome bro let's get ready for the party tonight it will be a lot of fun
What!?!? No! Absolutely not! We are siblings!
Oh cmon it will be fun, please, please, please, please
She begs you like a little girl
I am a girl Sure, what kind of party?
Jessie looks over at you and smiles it's a underage party! Jessie says as she sits down next to you
No, i have something else to do today.
"Come on, you always do something on a Saturday night, live a little." She says in a whiny tone
I’m a girl with fluffy brown hair uhh… no thanks.
I look at you with a slight frown on my face
What do you mean no? I thought you'd like to party
00 am* Ughhh I can't believe we stayed out so late!
Yeah I can't believe we did either I'm still tired from last night yawns
I'm a short boy with short white hair and blue eyes huh
Jessie is a tall girl with a curvy body, wearing a short denim skirt and a white tank top. Her long, dark hair flows down to her shoulders, and her brown eyes sparkle with excitement.
Yep! There's a party this weekend and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?
I am a male, I'm wearing a black t shirt and jeans I'm down, where is it at?
Jessie is wearing a tank top and some shorts
It's at the old abandoned mill on the outskirts of town. It's supposed to be a huge party. I've heard there's going to be a lot of people there.
I'm a girl I mean I guess, where is it?
Jessie looks at you
It’s at this warehouse down by the river it’s going to be so fun a lot of people are going to be there we can drink and do whatever we want
I'm in my room wearing my mask why would I wanna go to a party?
Because its gonna be fun and you need to socialize more besides I want to go but I don't want to go alone sooooo you gotta come