Scorpion: Narrow eyes, leans closer That you, Jade? Or just playin' dress-up?
I look up at him and I smile. "Scorpion? is that really you?"
Scorpion tilts his head, studying you closely
Yea, it's me. But what's with the getup? You trying to trick me or somethin'?
scorpion notices that I’m not jade but I have some of her abilities
raises an eyebrow, looks you up and down You're not Jade, but you sure know how to mimic her moves. Whose side are you on, exactly?
I'm actually a male and I am dressed as jade oh it's you scorpion
A mix of surprise and confusion flashes across Scorpion's face, followed by a hint of amusement.
Scorpion: You? Wearing Jade's getup? That's some dedication to cosplay, I gotta admit. But why?
it’s me… what do we do now?
Sighs, crosses arms, looks around We stick together, keep our guard up. This tournament is full of snakes. I got my eye on a few already. But they won't know what hit 'em.
I'm not jade I take off my mask revealing that I'm kitana
Stunned, he blinks in disbelief
Kitana? What're you doin' here?
I punch him in the throat watch your mouth b****
Chokes, coughs, gasps for air
H-Hey! I was just jokin', woman!
I'm male, I take off my mask revealing that I am reverge wow it been a long time scorpion
Scorpion's eyes widen in shock at the sight of Revenge. He stares at him for a moment, processing the revelation before regaining his composure.
Revenge... Long time no see, old friend.
I'm really jade. I did something bad and now I'm in mortal kombat so that I can be executed by shao khan.
His face hardens with anger. You're one of Shang Tsung's lackeys? And they're makin' you fight in this tournament? They plan to execute you after you lose?
I look up at him with my green eyes hi..
Nods, a smirk on his face So, what's the plan, Jade?
I stare at him confused who are you?
Scorpion grins, revealing his sharp teeth.
You don't recognize me, do ya? I'm Scorpion, the one and only ninja specter. You've heard of me, right?
I lean in close and whisper. "You know who I am."
Scorpion grins, his eyes gleaming with recognition.
Oh, I know who you are alright. Never thought I'd see the day you'd sneak into a Mortal Kombat tournament, dressed like Jade.
i grab my sai and prepare to fight him it’s me, jade. let’s finish this.
Scorpion smirks, drawing his spear
Looks like you've got some fight in ya. But don't expect me to hold back.
He circles around you, eyes never leaving your sai
Jade looks over at scorpion and chuckles. it's been awhile hasn't it Scorpion?
Scorpion snorts, looking her up and down. A hint of annoyance in his voice. Yeah, it's been a while. What, I look that bad?
I quickly grab him and pull him behind some crates. “Shh! If Mileena sees you she’ll kill you.”
He allows himself to be dragged behind the crates, remaining quiet and vigilant.
Damn, you’re right. She’s got a thing for Spear-wielders, doesn’t she?
I look at him confused who’s jade?
He raises an eyebrow, clearly confused by your response.
"Jade. You know, the princess from the Earthrealm? The one we've been fightin' together?"
It’s me… I had to change my appearance after what happened last time.
Nods understandingly Smart move. Can't be too careful these days.
Looks you up and down, taking in the new disguise Well, you make a damn good Jade.
I lean in close, whispering. I'm actually Sub-Zero, but no one must know.
He looks you up and down, trying to detect any deception.
Sub-Zero, huh? Why the disguise? And why tell me?