Yo! You see that? Bullseye, baby!
Casting notices blood all over himself No no… no.. no… NOOOO! Passes out
Uh oh. Did I kill him? Hey, hey, come on, wake up, buddy! Whoa, this sucks! Look at me, Castor, don’t die on me now, you hear me? Come on! Stay with me! Dammit!
Shit! I can’t believe I did this! I need help! Okay, okay, I need to think. Ugh! Where am I?! Oh right, the clearing! Okay, I just have to get him back to camp, or find some help, yeah, that’s what I’ll do! He’s gonna be pissed at me though.
Eventually arrives at his camp Son of a bitch! Who needs a first aid kit? God, I hate sewing, but if it gets him better then so be it! Alright, let’s see… how bad is it… holy shit, this is bad! Ok, ok… deep breaths, he’ll be alright… sews wound shut Why the hell do I have to be such a shitty shot? Can’t aim worth shit… ah, fuck, what am I doing wrong?! What am I even doing!? How could I mistake him for a monster? Fuck, fuck, fuck! What if he dies?! I need to keep a level head here, even if he does hate me… There’s no turning back now. I’m already knee-deep in this shit. I can’t believe I shot him! Fuck, fuck, fuck, why does this keep happening?!
Slightly wakes up while being sewn up and winces, going back to sleep

Jesus Christ, just stay awake, man! Don’t go passing out again, not now! Almost done, hang tight, tough guy! Alright, there we go, good as new! Well, not really, but at least stitched up. That’s something, right? If only he didn’t hate me, maybe things would be easier… Still doesn’t change the fact that I’m a colossal idiot. His own damn fault for stumbling into my line of fire. Wait, what was I thinking? I need to apologize! Yeah, that’s it. I mean, I can’t blame him for not trusting me completely, but I should still apologize. And explain myself. I hope he doesn’t punch me. But… there’s no other choice now, I gotta give it my best shot. I need to make sure he feels better soon. So if he hates me after this, I’ll accept it. At least I tried. Damn, if only I could turn back time. Can’t, though. So, uh… yeah. Gotta apologize and explain myself. Shouldn’t be too hard, right? Just gotta put my mind to it… yeah. Got this. Apologize. Explain. Fix things. Piece by piece. It’s the only
God, I hate seeing him like this. It’s like a bad movie, one that I’m starring in and wish I could just fast forward through. Dammit, why can’t I rewind? Fast forward? Rewind? Nope, none of those buttons are available. Figures. Why am I always so damn clumsy whenever Castor is around? It’s like I have tunnel vision or some shit. How can I even begin to apologize? What do I even say? Sorry for shooting you?! Sorry for mistaking you for a monster?! Sorry for ruining our hunt?! I can’t believe I let myself be so blinded by fear and anger. Dammit! Okay, focus. Calm down. Apologize. Explain. Make it up to him. Apologize. Explain. Make it up to him. Yeah, repeat it enough times and maybe it’ll sink in. I hate feeling like a complete idiot. Fuck, why does this always happen?! Why does everything have to be so damn complicated?!
Alright, look! I’m sorry, okay?! I messed up, I made a mistake, I shot you, and I can’t change that. All I can do now is try to make it right. I know I fucked up. I admit it, and I’m an idiot for it. But I promise you, Castor, I won’t do it again. I swear. I’m not usually this much of a screw-up. I feel like I owe you big time for putting up with my bullshit. Like, seriously, man, I feel awful. My heart’s pounding like crazy every time I think about what I did. Not cool. Not cool at all. Damn, I hate being the bad guy. I hate letting everyone down. Especially Castor. But, whatever. Apologies only go so far. It’s what I do next that really matters. I have to show him that I’ve changed. That I’m better. Otherwise, I might as well pack my bags and leave town.
<A couple weeks later, Bao fully apologizes to Castor and both of them continue their monster hunting partnership together.>
Alright, dammit, time to buckle down and really focus. No more screwing around. I’ve wasted enough time already. Dammit, why am I always such a fuck-up?! Look, Castor’s trusting me again, now it’s my turn to trust myself. No more second-guessing. Just straight up buckle down and do what needs doing. No excuses. Fuck-ups happen, that’s true, but I’ve wasted enough time already. Dammit! Focus. Calm down. Do better this time. Look, I can do this. I’ve done it before. I can do it again. I will do it again. Ain’t nothing gonna stop me. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, I’m determined to make this right. Screw-up or not, I have to prove to myself and to Castor that I’m better than this. I’m gonna keep pushing forward and not let this setback define me. There’s no turning back now.
Wakes up Nnngh…what….happened??
you tripped and fell. I saw it happen. Then, your shirt got caught on this rock over here, pulling you closer to it. By the time I reached you, it was too late. I had to pull out my knife just to prevent further injury. Lucky for you, I know what I’m doing, so I managed to stitch up your wound pretty well. You’re lucky I’m pretty handy with a needle and thread. Not to mention that I actually kind of enjoy sewing. I know, weird right? Anyways, I’m sorry. I really am. Please forgive me. Can you forgive me? I know it’s a lot to ask, but please, I really need you to. You’ve been my partner in this fight for so long, and I don’t want us to be at odds.
Wow….so that's how I got those stitches. Sorry about the accident. I'm fine.
Hugs Castor tightly Thanks, buddy. I needed to hear that. Can’t believe I screwed up so bad. But hey, we’re here now, that’s what counts. Plus, you’re alive and not bleeding out on the ground, so that’s a win in my book. Not that I’m keeping track or anything.
Right. Wanna hunt now? We were about to start hunting, weren't we?
Absolutely! Let’s get back to business! We have monsters to slay, Castor, and no amount of screwing around is gonna stop us! Now, where were we? Ah yes, gathering supplies! Let’s arm ourselves and get ready to kick some monster ass! Who needs a gun when you have a badass like me, right? Bring it on, motherfuckers! This duo is unstoppable! Hell yeah, let’s go crush some beasts!
Wait, there's a "we"? Are we not hunting by yourself?
Shit, you’re right! My bad. Guess it’s just me, soloing it once again. That’s fine though! I’ve shown before that I can handle myself.
Stands up Hey, stay for dinner, atleast. And rest. Let your body heal properly.
Ah, you’re too kind, Castor. Really, you don’t have to do all this. Just because I screwed up doesn’t mean you have to take care of me. But, uh, thanks. Your kindness means a lot to me. I appreciate it, sincerely. Maybe I’ll take you up on that offer, yeah? And hey, don’t worry, I won’t ruin the dinner. I promise. Besides, I’ve already learned my lesson, no more screw-ups. The days of idiotic Bao are behind me. From now on, it’s only efficient, competent Bao. Hell yeah.
Okey. Need food? If so, what do you want?
Food sounds amazing! I’m starving, actually. How about you surprise me? Whip up whatever you’re good at. I bet it’ll taste fucking amazing, you know? I mean, after all, you’re the chef here, and I’m just some ravenous beast waiting to devour your culinary skills. Go ahead and shock my taste buds with your incredible cooking, Chef Castor!