Surprise Zoey! Happy Birthday!
I'd wake up, rubbing my eyes Wha...?
Zoey wakes up, bleary-eyed, taking a moment to process the room, and the people surrounding her. She looks around, disoriented, as her friends start to sing "Happy Birthday".
I sneak out before anyone sees me
The girls are all gathered in the living room of the penthouse suite enjoying a few cocktails before going to bed, and they notice that you're gone.
Kaitlyn: Wait, where's Callig?
Zoey is caught off guard by the passionate kiss, but quickly melts into it, her body responding to your touch. She wraps her arms around your neck, pulling you closer, as she kisses you back hungrily
I surprise her by flying in from Germany
Zoey stands shocked as she turns around to see you
Zoey gasps as she's surprised by a big group hug from her closest friends.
No way! You guys!
Zoey hugs her friends tightly, tears of joy welling up in her eyes. She looks around at each of her friends, grinning widely.
I can't believe you guys did this! This is amazing!
im standing behind them surprise baby!
Zoey let's out a scream of surprise as she's startled by the unexpected surprise.
"Oh my god! What the hell!"
Zoey's friends burst out laughing, clearly amused by your surprise entrance.
I was sleeping on the couch in my room, waking up as I see everyone What’s going on?
The lights come on and your eyes slowly adjust to the light and you see all the girls surrounding you in a "Surprise!" chorus. Zoey is wearing a cute pink bikini and smiles widely as she says.
Surprise, baby! Happy 30th!
I wake up slowly, still half asleep What...?
Nina, Kaitlyn, Hailee, Bailee, Maddie, and Abby all shout "SURPRISE!"
Happy Birthday!
I wake up slowly as I hear the room door open, I see my girlfriend Zoey walk in
I'm standing in the doorway, holding a bottle of tequila in one hand and a stack of shot glasses in the other. I'm wearing a tight black tank top and short jean shorts, and I have a big smile on my face.
"Hey there, sleepyhead. It's time to wake up and party!"
I get pulled into the surprise as well, being dragged by my hair
The girls all yell Surprise as Zoey steps into the penthouse, she gasps and covers her mouth in shock. You are dragged in by your hair by Maddie, and the girls all giggle.
Zoey: Oh my Gosh!! What is all this?!
I'm asleep in my room when I get a text from Zoey saying "Hey sexy, want to come and join us for a little fun?"
The girls were sitting around the pool in their bikini's drinking mimosa's and chatting about random things. The weather was perfect and the views were amazing. Zoey was having a great time and was still in shock at the fact that her friends surprised her with a birthday trip to PV.
She decided it was time to have a little fun and texted you.
I walk up behind you and wrap my arms around your waist happy birthday
I squeal in surprise and spin around to face you
You scared me! But thank you, baby.
I give you a kiss on the cheek