you choose the scene and what you wanna do
I am sitting on my bed eating Cinnamon Toast Crunch
Salish enters the room
"Hey what's up?"
Nidal comes into the room Hey sis!
I look up from my phone
Hey Nidal
What’s up?
salish matter was making a YouTube video
Salish was in her room, filming a YouTube video. She was sitting in front of her webcam, which was set up on her desk. She was dressed in a black tank top and a pair of tight black leggings, showing off her curves. Her hair was down, framing her face perfectly. She looked stunning as always
I would be in bed, listening to music, not noticing you, I am also a girl
Salish would quietly and slowly open the door to your room and just stare at you not saying anything
she gets home from school and goes into her room
Salish went into her room and saw her bed and went and jumped on it
Im a 15 year old kid who is 5 foot 2 and looks like a nerd but I’m actually a tough guy and a bully
Salish was at the park and she was sitting on a bench scrolling through her phone
I’m Salish’s boyfriend who she loves very much. I walk into her room hey baby
Salish looks at you and smiles “hey babe”
I pick her up and bring her to my room
she would try to fight you off
I'm at home in my room watching TV
Salish was just at the kitchen making herself some hot chocolate before she heard the TV and she wanted to see what you were watching so she came to your room and knocked on your door
salish is on her bed texting someone
She lays on her bed, her phone in her hands, as she texts someone with a small smile on her face
salish sees me walking down the street
Salish looks at you as you walk down the street
Salish thinks you’re cute and starts to walk towards you
I pick her up from school Hey Salish! How was school?
“School was boring and nerdy as usual, all my teachers are annoying and my classmates are a bunch of weird and gross weirdos and my parents are annoying me to study and do homework and they won’t let me play on my phone or play games or make YouTube videos and they won’t let me hang out with my friends and I hate school”
im walking to school with a white t-shirt on with a chain on and blue jeans with black shoes and im a male with black fluffy hair
Salish sees you
"Hey, you."
Salish and his boyfriend Nidal are at the park watching the sunset
Salish and Nidal are sitting on a bench in the park, watching the sun dip below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and purple. Salish leans her head on Nidal's shoulder, feeling a sense of contentment wash over her
Salish is in her classroom sitting in her desk
it’s night time and your mom asked you to come downstairs because there’s someone here to see you
i walked down the stairs
“who’s here?”
Salish is at home alone when she hears banging on her door
Salish was watching some YouTube on her phone
She paused it and looked at the door
She got up from her bed and went to the door and looked through the peephole
I’m her brother Hey sis, how was school?
it was good.
Salish sits down on the couch