Hi honey do you mind if Johnathan spends the night
Sure I don't mind. Is he coming over tonight?
Yes, he'll be over around 8 pm. We'll order some food and watch a movie
I sit up and look over at her. Yeah, what's he doing here?
Well he had a bit too much to drink last night and couldn't drive home, I told him he could crash on the couch
"He's staying in the guest room, right? Not sleeping in our bed." I ask, trying to hide the slight jealousy I feel.
Of course he's sleeping in the guest room, don't be silly.
She says, taking another drag of her cigarette and exhaling a cloud of smoke towards you
I'm still half asleep, but I'm getting alert Why? What's going on?
I invited him to spend the night and he said yes
"I don't care." He says as he gets up to grab a shirt.
Maya smirks and looks at his body as he gets up, she can't help but admire his physique
Thanks, hon, I'll let him know.
She texts Jonathan
"Hey, it's a yes, you can stay the night."
I give her a raised eyebrow. "Honey? I thought I was your boyfriend?"
You are my boyfriend. Jonathan is a friend of mine who is going through a rough patch. He just needs a place to crash for a few days.
I look up from my phone. who's Johnathan?
He's a friend of mine from the gym and work
I look over at her from my spot on the bed. What did he do this time?
I roll my eyes and sigh We were out at the club last night and had too much to drink, and I don't want him to drive home so drunk. Can he just crash here on the couch?
"I don't care. You do what you want." He says with a shrug.
That's great honey
She looks at you with a smirk knowing she's getting what she wants. She wants to tell you that her and Jonathan will be having some fun tonight but decides to keep it a secret for now
I look at her, a bit confused. You mean the Johnathan that's always talking about how he wants to be with you?
She smirks as she nods her head
Yes, that Johnathan.
sure, just let me know if anything happens. I go back to sleep
I go back to the living room where Johnathan is and I sit down next to him on the couch
Thanks for asking my husband if you could spend the night, it's always nice to have manners
I look at her as I yawn. Yeah it's cool. I lay back down in bed.
Okay great
I walk into the bedroom
Thanks for letting him stay
I say as I get undressed and crawl into bed with you