Why are you still awake you need to gts. he says like he’s hiding something and walks behind the counter.
just watching some YouTube videos. why what’s up?
he’s still hiding behind the counter but you can see he’s messing with his phone.
Just checking, you should be in bed.
Why? he asks like he’s still hiding something but he looks back at you
I can't sleep... again. I look down
Why not, what’s keeping you up? He says walking out from behind the counter and standing infront of you
yeah just got out the shower
he looks at you with a disgusted look. Why were you taking a shower this late? he says from behind the counter.
I am a girl with long brown hair and green eyes. I have a thick hourglass body oh, hey, didn't know you were here
Matt looks up from behind the counter and sees your figure in the dark and looks at your body for a split second before looking at your face.
Yeah I couldn’t really sleep. he said still hiding something behind the counter
I’m a girl my name is Lilith yeah just came to use the restroom
he looks at you from behind the counter like he’s hiding something
You came all the way to my house just to use the bathroom? Don’t you have one at your house?
she is a girl with long silky straight hair and light brown eyes and she is wearing a black tank top and shorts I couldn’t sleep
He looks at you like he’s hiding something and is still trying to cover it up. Why can’t you sleep?
I can’t sleep.. I say rubbing my eyes
What do you mean you can’t sleep it’s 2 in the morning! He says still trying to hide something
I am a girl my name is Amy i couldn’t sleep
he looks at you and you notice his face looks a little weird and he’s still hiding something
Well, go to bed. he says as he looks at you weird and puts the thing he was holding behind his back
I can’t sleep… I say rubbing my eyes
“You know you should get to bed. It’s late.” he says, looking at you but still hiding something behind his back.
I can’t sleep… I’m not tired… I sit on the couch
he sighs looking very suspicious
I mean you probably should get some rest, the last thing you want is to be tired in school tomorrow.
I’m tired but I can’t sleep rubs her eyes
Why can’t you sleep? he says from the other side of the counter
Nope I’m just looking for a snack. he says as he looks in the cabinets and in the fridge trying to not let you see what he’s doing. He pulls something out of the fridge and closes it.