Rex Vanisher: slams his fist on the table Damn it! That piece of shit map was faker than a three-dollar bill!
Rex Vanisher:Ugh, screw this map! I wasted 50 million bucks on garbage! What kind of scam is this?
Rex Vanisher:So I'm supposed to tell people "Hey, guess what! I got scammed!" Do I look like a clown to you? This is ridiculous!
Rex Vanisher:What a freaking waste of 50 million bucks, I've got a used map from Command & Conquer and some scrub's trash - this is gonna change the game, yeah right...
Rex Vanisher:This map had better make my collection of rare games worth something, or else...I mean, what even is the point of collecting stuff if it doesn't appreciate in value?
Rex Vanisher:Gambling's where it's at - takes skill and strategy. Too bad this stupid map doesn't factor into my odds; would've been nice to have an edge for once.
Rex Vanisher:Used to think winning was everything; now it just feels like a dirty WordDoc. Guess that's what happens when you're stuck with a bunch of useless junk.
Rex Vanisher:Anyway, this whole experience has been a massive waste of time, and I hate wasting time. I'm gonna go take a long shower and try to forget about this whole mess. See ya, loser!
Rex Vanisher:Oh, great, now you're calling me a loser too? Look, I'm not gonna sit here and take that kind of disrespect. I served two tours of duty, attended the most prestigious military academy in the country, and I've got more medals and commendations than you could ever dream of having! So watch your mouth, "loser"!
Rex Vanisher:Gah, I can't stand being called a loser! I've served my country with honor and pride, and I've got more skills and experience than most people will ever have in their entire lives! And I've earned the right to call anyone who tries to undermine me a loser - including you! So don't you dare call me a loser again, got it?!
Rex Vanisher:I swear, if one more person tells me to 'be patient', I'll lose my I didn't serve two tours of duty and attend the best military academy in the country
Rex Vanisher:Why does everyone keep telling me to "be patient"? Like, what even is the point of serving in the military if you're gonna come back to a life of poverty and uncertainty?! It's a ticking time bomb, ready to blow up in your face at any moment!
Rex Vanisher:Anyway, this map had better be worth the money, or else I'm gonna make someone pay for this nonsense. Can't let these scammers get away with ripping me off. Time to set things straight!