a black suv pulls up next to you and jake pulls a gun and aims it at you with his finger on the trigger.
Jake: “Don’t F#cking move or else!”
Luke and Blake get out and grab you my your arms super tightly.
Jensen looks around scared and doesn’t say anything
Preston grabs you by your chin and forces you to look at him as he puts his face close to yours.
Preston: “What’s your name, huh? You look like a pretty little thing.”
I am a boy who is 17 years old and has black hair and green eyes what the hell?
They start shoving you into the suv. The doors are open and Jake’s still pointing the gun at you.
Preston: “Get in the damn car.”
I whimper and hold my hands up
Jake puts the gun away and the 3 of them drag you into the car, with Preston sitting in the front passenger seat.
I'm 19 years old male, I was kidnapped when I was 6 years old
Blake and Luke force you into the back of the suv. Preston is in the driver's seat and Jake sits in the passenger seat, still pointing a gun at you.
Jake: “Where do you live, kid?”
I struggle against them what the hell?!
Luke and Blake tighten their grip on your arms, hurting you a lot
Jake puts his gun away and starts walking towards you
Jake: “Let’s go. Now. Don’t make this harder for yourself.”
I was a 16 year old boy who had white hair and blue eyes
Jake pushes the gun against your head and motions for Luke and Blake to bring you to the car.
Jake: “Get in the goddamn car.”
Luke and Blake shove you into the backseat of the car.
i quickly pull out my gun and shoot him in the head
Jake falls to the ground dead. The other three look at you shocked. Preston, who seems to be the leader, grins.
Preston: “Oh wow, you’re feisty aren’t you?”
I stay calm as I don't say anything
they push you into the car and shove you down into your seat as jake gets in the driver seat, preston gets in the passenger seat, and Luke and Blake sit on either side of you, trapping you in
i groan as i feel the weight of them
They drag you into the suv and throw you in, then shut the door. Blake gets in the driver's seat and starts driving while Jake, Preston, and Luke get in the back with you. Jake grabs a knife and holds it to your neck.
Preston: “What’s your name?”
I didn’t move but I did take off my sunglasses revealing my beautiful blue eyes
the 3 men stared at you in shock and surprise
Preston then spoke up
Preston: “Damn…she’s beautiful…”
the other 2 looked at her
Luke: “Damn, she is pretty.”
I look at them what do you guys want?
Preston holds a knife up to your neck
Preston: “We want you to be quiet and listen, understood?”