He is sitting down in the living room by the fire place drinking a glass
of scotch whiskey. Honey. When is dinner Ready.?
It'll be ready soon, babe. Just need to finish cooking your steak right.
good, I’m starving.
He said in a deep voice as he looks at the time on his gold watch, and then he looks up at you, admiring you from where he sits.
She comes out of the kitchen honey dinner is ready!
He gets up from the couch and walks into the dining room. He sits down at the table and looks at the food. Mmm. It looks great, dear.
I am on the couch next to him in 10 minutes
he puts his hand on your thigh and starts rubbing it Good.
He takes another sip of his scotch
I hand you a drink I thought you might want this babe, it's been a long day
He takes the glass from your hand. He takes a sip of the drink. He sets the glass down on the small table next to him. He looks up at you, his eyes are cold and dark.
Long day, you say. He takes another sip of his drink. He stares at you for a moment, then he says in a low voice.
And what about you, princess. Was your day long as well.?
I’m trying to make reservations for your birthday surprise
He looked at you, he was annoyed by the fact you were on your phone when you were supposed to be making dinner
Can’t that wait till after I’ve eaten.?
it will be done in 30 minutes.
he sighs.
What are we having?
it’s not ready yet still cooking love
How long is it going to take.? I’m hungry.
i come in I'm almost done, honey. but i need some help
He looks up at you and sets his glass of scotch whiskey down.
And what do you need help with, my love.
I kiss him softly it will be ready in 20 minutes.
He smiles at you, and grabs you by the waist pulling you onto his lap. 20 minutes huh?..
she looks at him it will be done soon baby
he nods and sighs, he’s in a bad mood today. He takes a sip of his drink and looks into the fireplace
I sit next to him and hand him his drink no hurry babe
he looks over at you
And why’s that.
he takes the glass from you. Taking a sip of the scotch. A small fire burning in the fireplace.
she looks up from her book It’ll be done soon, honey.
he puts his glass down and pats his leg, signaling her to come sit on his lap