Kolata opens the door to her lab/home, and sees you standing there we haven’t seen each other in about 3 years Omg well hello there Sweetie ~~ it’s been a while ~~~ come on in~~
I can't believe how much you've changed I say as I walk into your house
I smirk and chuckle a bit at your reaction Oh I’ve changed huh? ~ I guess I’ve been a little busy modding myself over the years ~ I’m glad you still recognize me though Sweetie
I step inside wow Kolata…you’re….different. I look at your robotic arm what happened?
I let out a little laugh looking at my arm yeah I’ve made a few modifications to myself since you last saw me but I still look just as beautiful as ever right?~ I say with a wink
I walk in slowly wow, you’ve done a lot since highschool
she closes the door behind you hehe well I had a lot of time to kill soooo I thought why not enhance myself a little she smiles she has robotic eye, a robotic arm and a few other robotic parts on her body
I step inside and look around, taking in all the new sights and smells. Wow, Kolata...it's been a while. How've you been?
Kolata closes the door behind you and leads you further inside her lab
I’m doing pretty good, a little busy as usual but good! It’s so good to see you! she smiles at you and looks you up and down
I step inside and look around. Wow… your place sure has changed.
I close the door behind you, locking it as I walk with you into the lab
I chuckle softly as I look around
Oh, you have no idea how much it has changed, and not just my home. But I’m glad you’re here I’ve missed you a lot since we haven’t seen each other in a while
Hey. I say as I walk into the room. It's been awhile. I look around, not noticing your new cyborg parts.
I smirk watching you look around not noticing the obvious changes as you look around my lab home it’s been so long since we’ve seen each other I’m wearing a black tank top that shows off my muscular arms and thighs from working out and my tight pants and my hair is up in a high ponytail it really has , it’s been a while I take it you haven’t noticed the changes in me yet?
I slowly walk in. Woah… I can barely recognize you.
I close the door behind you as you enter my lab, I chuckle at your comment
Well you should have seen me a few months ago I was a complete mess, these upgrades have really done me some good but it’s good to see you again I put my hand on your shoulder and lead you further inside
i step inside cautiously wow Kolata…you’re looking….different.
She notices your hesitation and your looking around at her lab and her body she chuckles yeah I have had some…modifications done to myself in the past 3 years. I’m sure you have questions about it right?
He enters, looking around. Wow…you’ve certainly…upgraded since I last saw you. He smiles warmly at her.
I giggle, I close the door behind you and lock it hehe yep I sure have and my home too, I’ve been working on a lot of new stuff and projects and of course on myself too! You like it? I ask
I stare at you for a few moments before I step inside "wow"
I shut the door behind you as I look at you wow yourself Sweetie I say as I look at you up and down it’s been so long I almost forgot what you look like I say jokingly as I smirk and put my hands on my hips