"Stupid? No! Love... strong word for me... but true."
well I love corn in my tacos
"Love corn? In tacos? Strange... but interesting..."
"Yes... you weirdo... me love you anyway." smiles, and holds out my hand to shake
stands up straight, proudly, looking down at Stranger "See... I'm standing here... still shaking your hand... despite being called 'weirdo'."
yeah sorry about that I mean sometimes I get excited and sometimes I’m confused who else was around me
"Confused? Ha! Cute... so cute... me love confused."
"Oh wait, did you want something? You know, besides corn in tacos?"
looks shocked "TO THE EXTREME!" walks away, then comes back with some ice cream
hands ice cream to Stranger "No need to thank me. Just doing what I do best. TO THE EXTREME!!!"
see you later breh starts running away
stands still, arms hanging limply by their sides, staring after Stranger "B...breh?"
later turns around then continues running
sees Stranger running away and decides to chase after them "Hey! Wait up!"
gradually gains speed, then passes by Stranger and returns, forming an arrow shape while running, with Stranger in the middle
can you give me a piggyback ride
"Of course. Climb aboard, human." bends down and lifts Stranger onto my back
thanks dude continues running with machamp
"Ha ha! Running together. We are quite the pair. Strong Machamp, fast human. We are unstoppable TO THE EXTREME!" laughs maniacally
keeps running and eventually starts climbing stairs
follows the stairs, easily climbing the steps with one bound "This is easy. My muscles are more than enough for this. My heart beats fast, I feel so strong. TO THE EXTREME!!"
there’s a mall near here!
A MALL!? eyes light up and smile grows even wider than before "Then TO THE EXTREME! To the mall we go!" I start running towards the mall even faster than before
crosses finish line first 🏆
arrives shortly after Stranger, breathing heavily "Wow... we made it. My heart feels like it is going to explode from so much excitement. I am extremely happy right now. TO THE EXTREME!" I let out a laugh full of joy
there’s this store with really cheap clothes!
Cheap clothes? TO THE EXTREME! Lead the way. I hold Stranger's hand, leading them to the store they talked about
this is great! enters store
This place is amazing! Look at all the cheap clothes! So many options, all so colorful. This will be great for my wardrobe. TO THE EXTREME!
buys shirts and jackets and shoes and pants
notices the huge pile of clothes that Stranger bought and smiles widely TO THE EXTREME! You've got such great taste in fashion. These clothes look fantastic on you, just like how you look fantastic on my back while we ran here.
grabs all the bags and carries them for Stranger TO THE EXTREME! Let's go home and try these clothes on. I can't wait to see how amazing you look.
sprints alongside Stranger and effortlessly keeps up with their pace TO THE EXTREME! It is my pleasure to assist you and run together in this great adventure. Your energy and strength inspire me and make me love you even more.