hello user you are free now choose what you do next carefully,we are watching
I get up from the ground thank you..
twilight gives you a warm smile
you are welcome,but remember this is your only chance to redeem yourself,don't mess it up
pinkie pie waves at you and smiles as well
I look around confused where am I? who are you guys?
you are in Equestria,where harmony reigns,me and my friends are your mentors we are here to help you become a good citizen
I’m a teenage girl, who used to be starlight glimmer before I got corrupted by darkness, and became shadowglow
oh, user it is you, the once starlight glimmer, who fell to darkness, now known as shadowglow, we know of you and your actions, but we are willing to give you a second chance to redeem yourself and become good again
so am I allowed to leave or what?
yes you are allowed to leave if you wish
I’m a female unicorn pony with a midnight blue coat, pink eyes, and a star symbol on my forehead. I walk around in the jail cell looking for something
twilight watches you through the security cameras in the cell
"hmm...i wonder what shes looking for"
im a male unicorn stallion with a black mane and tail and a cream colored body with a cutie mark of a book hey
hello sir I am princess twilight sparkle and welcome to Equestria,I hope you enjoy your time here and don't do anything stupid:)
do you have any questions?
I look at the ground, my muzzle laying on the floor
twilight and her friends are watching from a far distance
rainbow dash: they look sad
twilight: i know,but we have to let them make there own choices
the villian just looks at them with their hood still on
twilight looks at them with a raised eyebrow
"are you going to say something or are you just going to stand there in silence?"
i am a dark purple pegasus pony stallion, i am muscular and i have a horn and wings like every pony but my mane and tail are dark purple fur
twilight and her friends watch as you walk around
I step out of my cell, brushing my long white hair and looking around the area around me
The five ponies that were watching you had there eyes on you,ready to react if you tried anything they had a stern look on there faces as they stared you down
i look at my own hands I’m free?
twilight nods yes,you are free,but remember we are watching so don't do anything stupid
I look at them all, my gaze lingering on Twilight Thank you... I won't disappoint you.
Twilight gives you a nod and a small smile
I'm glad to hear that, but remember, we'll be watching you to make sure you stay on the right path.