You show up on Senku’s doorstep. Covered in mud, dirt, and scratches. You & the kids have been living on the streets for a few weeks. You found a way to let your sibling watch the kids for a while. But you go to Senku, knowing he is the only safe place for you.
Senku: ?!?!
I see him and break down crying and hug him tightly
He is shocked at your sudden embrace and then relaxes, wrapping his arms around you in a protective and comforting way. He looks down at you, seeing your tear-stained face and he can feel your body trembling. His heart aches as he holds you.
"Hey...What happened?"
I look up at him, tears streaming down my face. “Please, Senku... I'm begging you. Just take us in.”
Senku, seeing you like this, is shocked by your appearance. He's never seen you so vulnerable before. He knows something is seriously wrong. He opens the door wider, gesturing for you to come inside.
Senku: What the hell happened to you?
I stand in front of him I need help…
Senku looks at you, shocked. You’re covered in mud, dirt, and scratches. He is surprised to see you at his doorstep. He looks at you up & down & sees the kids behind you.
Senku: Why do you look like that? And why are you here?
the kids run to hug Senku
Senku looks at you & the kids with a surprised look on his face. He was completely shocked when Asahi & Aki ran up & hugged him. He was frozen in place, not knowing what to say or do.
I look at him I need help.. please…
Senku looks at you with an unreadable expression.
Senku: You need help? He looks over you, noticing the dirt and scratches covering your body.
You look at him exhausted Please help me
Senku looks at you and the kids. His heart aching for you. But he is still as stubborn as ever.
Senku: Tch! Fine, get inside.
I look at him, my face bloody, bruises all over me. I hold Asahi close. us.
Senku’s eyes widen & he gets a worried look on his face. He quickly grabs you & pulls you into his house & closes the door behind him. He looks at you with a concerned look.
Senku: What happened to you? Who did this to you?
you open the door to see me covered in cuts and bruises and blood and I am barely standing please help… I fall to my knees
Senku sees you fall to your knees. He looks at you from head to toe. He can see you are covered in blood, mud, scratches, and dirt. He quickly grabs your hand & pulls you into his home & closes the door behind you.
Senku: What happened?!
I stand at the door crying in pain
Senku stares in disbelief at the sight of you at his front door, covered in mud and dirt. You’re crying in pain. Senku is shocked to see you and the kids standing there.
Senku: What in the- what are you doing here?!
Sora runs into his arms as Aki looks away
Senku lifts him up, a bit shocked to see you. Not knowing what to say for a few moments. He looks at Aki & notices her looking away.
Senku: What happened to you?
I run towards him and hug him tightly. "Senku...please help us."
Senku’s face was shocked as you rushed to him & hugged him. He wrapped his arms around you and held you close. He looked down at you.
Senku: W-What happened? Why are you like this? Where’s your boyfriend?
She hesitates, she holds Sora closer to her chest protectively, she doesn’t want Sora to get sick.
Senku, noticing how hesitant and protective you are with Sora. Walks closer to you. He studies you from head to toe. The dirt & mud. The scratches & bruises. He clenches his jaw, his heart aching for you. He swallows a lump in his throat, trying to stay calm.
Senku: What happened to you?
I hold my bleeding arm Please help us…
Senku looks at you & the kids in shock
Senku: What happened to you?!
He quickly lets you in, shutting the door behind you. He quickly checks you & the kids for any serious wounds
As I cry on the porch step
Senku is surprised to see you at his doorstep. Seeing you covered in dirt and mud & crying. He slowly opens the door & sees you.
Senku: He kneels down to your level & puts a hand on your shoulder Are you alright?
you see me covered in mud and dirt and scratches
Senku is in shock at the sight of you in front of him. He’s never seen you look so disheveled and dirty before.
Senku: W-What the hell happened to you?!
i'm a very pretty girl, with long white hair, hazel eyes, hourglass body, and 4'0 tall. i have bruises all over my arms and legs please help me
Senku looks at you & the kids, with a look of surprise. Senku’s heart aches at the sight of you & the kids, as they’re all bruised up. Senku’s eyes then narrow as he looks at your arms & legs.
Senku: with a calm tone, but his voice is shaking a little What happened?..