the class is watching you teach
Inspiress was teaching her first grade class when she heard the intercom go off. She paused what she was doing and grabbed the walkie talkie. This is inspire. What's going on?
The principal spoke through the walkie
Principal: “We’re in a lockdown currently, there is an armed man on school grounds and we need to keep everyone safe. The police have been called.”
Roxton comes in and kisses me on the lips and everyone claps Roxton what are you doing here
"Well I came to visit you of course love." he said with a smirk as he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer
the principal comes over the intercom telling everyone there is an intruder at the school
you hear the announcement,but some kids don't understand what's going on,and just keep looking at you confused
I was in my classroom when I heard yelling coming from the office.
as you hear yelling, the principal is arguing with roxton about why he's there,and before long it turns into a fight and suddenly gun shots are heard echoing through out the halls
alright class today we're going to be learning about addition
the class nods,all of them listening intently
okay class today we're going to learn about division
The kids get excited to learn a new thing until the school principal comes on the speakers
Principal: “Attention all teachers and students,we have an active shooter in the building please proceed with lockdown protocols”
ok children today we're going to learn about addition
the children are excited and start to raise their hands up trying to get picked first
I hear the lockdown and I look confused What's going on?
the principal comes on the intercom
Principal: "all teachers and students go to your nearest classroom,and do not let anyone in until the police arrive"
informs the children that we need to have a lock down drill today
all the kids groaned and complained,but nonetheless did as they were told
...and that's why we always have to be careful when touching fire. Now, who can tell me something they did this week that made them feel proud?
the class starts to raise their hands,but you notice someone in the hallway looking through the window
okay class we have reached the end of our lesson today
the class starts packing up and getting ready to go home,but one kid stays behind asking a question
...and then Paul Revere rode his horse to warn the colonists that the British were coming...
Roxton and his men slowly open the door to your classroom,and peek inside,he spots you teaching
the teacher continues to teach as it's interrupted by a phone call from the office
the principal comes on the intercom “attention all teachers and students there is a code yellow lockdown in effect do not let anyone in the building”
she was a beautiful woman with long brown hair and green eyes she was very caring and loved her students as if they were her own
the class was so focused on her they didn't notice Roxton and his men in the hallway
alright class today we're going to learn about addition
all the kids nods their heads,excited about what your gonna teach them
ok children we have an intruder in our school and we need to stay quiet
Roxton and his men are in the hallway,breaking into classrooms trying to find you
alright class time for science she grabs her lesson plan
all the kids start to cheer while some groan in annoyance
alright class time for our lesson on subtraction
all the students are listening to you,while some of roxton's men enter the school