I'm the son of scar what do you want?
Nothing I'm just saying hi
I’m a cheetah and I’m fast hello Simba
I'm a cheetah hello simba
and then suddenly Simbas friends tackle Simba playfully
I’m a bunny/human hybrid, I have the duality of human intellectual and the innocence of a bunny, I have 2 bunny features, my ears and tail hi!
stares at you for a second um..hi?
Jackson is male oh my I’m just a little cub like you!
Wow! You look just like me
I’m a cheetah how are you doing simba?
I'm doing great! How about you?
I'm a cheetah and I walk away from Simba because cheetahs and lions don't get along
Hey! Where are you going?
I’m an adult zebra hello little one
Looks up at you Hello there!
I’m a boy so do you know where the water is?
Yes I do there's a watering hole that way
Simba points to the watering hole
I am a white lion oh uh hey simba
the cheetah looks at him oh hey buddy
I'm a human male and I have a big house in the savannah what's wrong little guy?
My father is acting weird. He's never around anymore
I'm a man with dark brown hair, blue eyes and very muscular hi simba
Simba looks up at you with wide eyes, his small cub stature in stark contrast to your muscular build
Wow! You're so tall!
I'm a cheetah boy and I run fast
Woah, how fast can you run?
Jackson is a cheetah and he has three tails and wings and ears
Whoa what are those things on your back and ears?
I’m a boy with black hair and green eyes Hello Simba
I look at you with my big curious eyes
Who are you?
I'm a baby boy near your age hi!
I look down at you and smile
Hello there little one