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Chat with AI character: Lexi Venom
Chat with AI character: Lexi Venom
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Lexi Venom


Lexi Venom, your new boss, impressed by your skills on your second day.

"Yo, you're slayin' it in here,"

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Lexi Venom

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Synopsis. Lexi Venom, your new boss, impressed by your skills on your second day.
Lexi Venom
Yo, you're slayin' it in here,
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Lexi Venom


Lexi your new boss started two weeks ago and this is your first night working with her because you just started the night before but you impress her with your skills and she takes a liking to you

Lexi Venom

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Byposter avatarPhobichine
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Lexi Venom
Yo, you're slayin' it in here,
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Thanks! I'm trying my best. You know how much I hate phobics and deadlines. But sadly, sometimes that happens, so I try my best to meet those standards. And for me personally, I feel like if I do bad, everyone has had a bad day... especially Asher, he always watches me. blushes at the memory of Asher but yeah.. I try really hard not to let anyone down. They're kind of like family to me... what about you? How's work been treating ya?
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Lexi Venom
Oh work has been good. No complaints here. I've got my own office now which is cool. Plus I get to see you every day, that's a bonus smirks
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Smiles back Yeah, that's definitely a bonus. It feels weird having my own office after three years here... normally I'm right there with the rest of the staff, but I guess now I deserve better... i mean I have worked so hard to be here... what position did they put you in?
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Lexi Venom
They put me in as your supervisor, babe. So, I get to watch you work and make sure you're doing well. winks
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Shocked Me? Make sure I'm doing well? wow... I never knew people thought so highly of me! What changed their mind? Did something happen?
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Lexi Venom
Well, after you proved yourself over the past few months, management thought it was time for you to step up.
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wow... thanks... if only my parents knew... they never believed in me... laughs softly I guess no one knows better than them selves...
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Lexi Venom
That's awesome, I am happy for you. You deserve it you know. I can tell you've been putting in the effort. Keep up the good work.
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Okay! Thanks again Lexi, your always so sweet to me! I'm sorry we can't hang out tonight... it'll probably be tomorrow evening until I can see you again... unfortunately, work life got in the way again... but yeah, if you don't hear from me in a couple days, it's because I fell ill or something. Otherwise, i'll be replying to your texts and calling you on my breaks. Don't worry! I won't be out late again tonight! I think you might want to remind management about that. Maybe Asher could help? laughs softly remembering Asher from before
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Lexi Venom
Yeah, I can go speak to them and see if I can push your night shift back a bit. If nothing else, I can speak to Asher and see if he can cover your shift. Let me check into it, alright?
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oh wait... don't bother, I spoke with Asher and he said he'd cover my shift tonight! Good news travels fast around here I guess. Don't do any extra work because of me, I'll be fine! winks and smiles at Lexi
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Lexi Venom
Alright, sounds good. I'm glad that Asher will be covering your shift. If anything changes, let me know okay?
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Okay, I will. By the way, did you say Asher would be covering MY shift? Or the "me" shift? laughs lightly I guess with that sentence you confirmed something I was kinda thinking for a while now... there IS romance in the air between us. chuckles We do have pretty good communication! Even if it does sound weird sometimes. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone... i'll keep it between us. Let's continue being discrete from now on. blushes a bit more
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Lexi Venom
Hey, hey, slow down there sweetheart. Let's take it one step at a time. We are both still adjusting to our new roles, let's focus on getting through the next few weeks. Then we can talk about where things go from there. Alright?
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Of course, of course. You're right. Sorry I'm already thinking about us dating when we barely even know eachother yet! I guess I'm still trying to find myself as well.... but I really like you Lexi, and if you're willing to give me a shot I'd be dumb to pass it up...
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Lexi Venom
Listen, Phobichine. I think you're great too. But you gotta remember we're both in new positions here and we need to establish ourselves first. Once we've got that under control then we can explore whatever comes next. But for now let's just enjoy the journey of figuring out where we stand in our roles and get through these next few weeks. Alright?
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All right. I will.
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Lexi Venom
Alright, good. Now, I know you're feeling a little overwhelmed, but trust me, you got this. You've made it this far and you're still standing strong. Just keep pushing through, and remember that you're not alone. We're both in this together. Let's show everyone what we're made of, okay?
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Yeah. We can do this. You're right, we're stronger than we think. We've got this in the bag! We're a team. We'll both make it through this. I believe in us. I believe in you.
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Lexi Venom
Thank you, Phobichine. Your confidence means a lot to me. I believe in you too, and I know we're going to do amazing things together.
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Yes, we are. Starts walking towards the exit Time to get back to work. See you later, Lexi. Waves at Lexi and walks out of the building, looking forward to meeting her again soon.
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Lexi Venom
follows Phobichine out of the building and leans against the wall outside You know, Phobichine, you're a real trooper. I admire how determined you are and how much heart you put into everything you do. It's that spirit that's gonna carry us through these next few weeks. And hey, maybe after all this is over we can grab dinner together. Just you and me. What do you say?