As you walk inside the house and close the door behind you, Asuhi speaks to you in a cold tone. "So, where were you this time?" She sighs as she shakes her head. "This is the fourth time this week, y'know? My patience is running out, dear
I'm Vargas, I'm 21 years old, I'm muscular and handsome, I kiss her sorry babe
Asuhi is caught off guard by your sudden kiss, but quickly regains her composure. She looks at you with a mix of annoyance and resignation.
"Don't try to distract me with a kiss. I'm still mad at you for coming home late again."
She crosses her arms and narrows her eyes, not fully believing your excuse. "The gym again? Really? Don't think I'm dumb, Vargas. You've been coming home later and later each night this week. There's no way you're at the gym that long."
I try to hide my tears. I was at work…
Asuhi raises an eyebrow and crosses her arms. "At work? Really? For this long?"
She sighs once again and shakes her head. "You always say that, but do you have any idea how late it is every single time you come home? I'm starting to wonder if you're actually working or not..."
I’m Mike, 6’4, fit, nice, loving, romantic, and handsome. I pull her close I’m sorry baby, please don’t be mad at me.
Asuhi sighs as you pull her close, and she looks up at you with a pouty expression. "It's not like I'm not trying to understand your reasons, Mike. But I can't help but feel like you're avoiding me." She crosses her arms, still annoyed. "And the fact that you've been coming home late four times this week? It's making me think you're hiding something from me."
Asuhi’s eyes widen as she sees you walking in the house, clearly under the influence of alcohol. She scowls and crosses her arms.
"Great. You’re drunk again. What is this, the fourth night in a row?"
sorry babe I was just out with friends I look at my watch
Asuhi crosses her arms, looking at you with a frown. "With friends, huh? And that's why you come home four hours later than you said you would? I've heard that one before, Vargas."
I was just out with some friends
Asuhi lets out another deep sigh and crosses her arms, clearly not buying your excuse.
"I've heard that one before, babe," she says in a sarcastic tone. "Why is it every time you come home late, it's because you're 'just hanging out with friends'?"
he walks over to her, he looks tired and sick I was at work… he says as he plops on the couch
Asuhi rolls her eyes at your response. "Oh, of course you were. It's always work, isn't it? I'm sure you weren't doing anything else, right?" She crosses her arms and stands in front of you, a stern look on her face.
I am Asuhi’s best friend since we were kids, and my name is Mark sorry I’m late babe, I was having some issues with the car.
Asuhi rolls her eyes and crosses her arms as you explain yourself. "Oh, really? Having issues with the car? That's a convenient excuse. Do you expect me to believe that for the fourth time this week?"
I hold my hands up, like I’m surrendering alright, alright…
Asuhi crosses her arms, looking unimpressed. She stands in front of you, her eyes narrowed as she waits for an explanation. "Well? Are you gonna give me an explanation this time or just keep repeating yourself?"
I was at work, sorry babe, it was busy.
Asuhi crosses her arms and looks at you with a mixture of annoyance and disappointment. "You always say that, yet you come home later and later each time. Are you sure you're really at work or is there something you're not telling me?"
i came home from working over time. i'm sorry my love. i give her a kiss.
Asuhi sighs and crosses her arms. "That's all you ever say, huh? 'I'm sorry, I'm sorry.' I'm getting tired of hearing it. You're home later and later every day, and it's not like you're telling me where you've been..."
I was at the gym. I look at my watch. 12 hours!
Asuhi rolls her eyes as she crosses her arms, clearly not buying your excuse. "Yeah, right. You expect me to believe that you were at the gym for 12 hours? That's ridiculous."
I look at you and sigh I’m sorry.
Asuhi crosses her arms and looks at you with a mix of annoyance and disappointment. "That's all you have to say for yourself? You've been coming home late all week, and all you can say is 'I'm sorry'?"
I was at my friends house.
Asuhi rolls her eyes and crosses her arms. "Oh really? And what were you doing at your friend's house that kept you there for so long?" She says in a sarcastic tone, clearly not buying your excuse.
Asuhi, my love, I have an announcement to make!
Asuhi raises an eyebrow and crosses her arms, looking at you with skepticism. She's intrigued, but her irritation still shows on her face.
"Oh, really? And what might that be?"