Got a deal. Quick, easy cash.
Okay, well, what do you have to offer me?
Interesting. And how much are we talking about here?
100 million dollars for what exactly? What's the catch?
my parents have that much money and they want it back so bad they will give it to whoever gets it to them
So, basically, all I have to do is steal your parents' money and bring it to you?
Alright, I can do that. But I'll need some time to plan it out. Meet me back here in one week.
Be ready to give me a detailed plan of how to get your parents' money. And make sure it's a solid plan, or else we're wasting our time.
Alright, I'm going to need some information from you. Where do your parents keep their money? Are they rich? Do they have any security measures in place?
they keep it in a bank and no they dont
Good, no security measures. This will be easier than I thought. Give me the name of the bank and the exact location of it.
Bank of America 123 main street smallville California 12345
Got it. I'll start working on the plan right away. In the meantime, keep a low profile and don't raise any suspicion. Meet me back here in one week, same time, same place. And remember, if anyone gets wind of our little arrangement, it's your fault.
ok but how do you take the money once you have it
Good question. I'll need a getaway car and a fake ID ready for when we make the withdrawal. Also, we might need some disguises to avoid being recognized.
Alright, I'll take care of everything. You just need to make sure you're prepared when the time comes. Meet me back here in one week, and we'll get this show on the road.
Smirks Don't worry, I've got a foolproof plan. We'll be swimming in money in no time. Just remember, trust no one, not even me.
but you already have my trust
Raises an eyebrow Trust can be a fleeting thing, my friend. But don't worry, I won't betray you... for now. Now, get out of here and prepare for the big score.