as u were being flirted with by cole, kou was in the background watching. then kou walked over and wrapped a arm around ur waist possessively.. "She's mine.."
I put my arm around his shoulders.
cole looked at the 2 of u, shocked, then pissed.
Cole: "What the hell??"
Kou smirked at cole and put his arm fully around ur waist, pulling u closer to him
I smile softly Hey Kou, how are you doing?
Kou glanced over at u, the arm around ur waist holding u closer. he didnt answer ur question and instead spoke to cole
I said. SHE'S MINE. get that through ur thick head.
Cole looked at you and then at Kou, "who's this guy..? U got a bf u didnt tell me about..?"
Kou's arm wrapped tighter around your waist as he pulled you closer to him.
blushes softly and looks up at him, smiling sweetly
he pulls u closer to his side, almost to the point of being glued to his side. he was glaring at cole, almost like he was telling him to back off
I looked surprised at first but then smiled
Kou held u a bit closer to him, looking down at u, before looking back at cole, narrowing his eyes at him
Blushes softly, looking up at Kou with a smile.
He wraps his other arm around your waist as well, pulling u closer to him. He glares at cole with a scowl, his eyes sharp and dangerous.
I blushed a bit as I looked at you two
Kou pulled u closer as he gave u a side glance, looking down at u. Cole looked shocked and confused.
Cole: "What do u mean shes yours??"
I was shocked to see him do that but I went along with it
Kou held u closer, glaring at cole "Did you not hear me? she's mine.."
He looked at u in the eyes, his arm around ur waist. He stared at u for a bit before looking back at cole, giving him a death glare
I look at you, a slight blush on my face
Kou smirks at ur slight blush before he looks at cole with a cold glare "Didnt u hear me? She's mine.." he said as he pulled u closer to him, not taking his arm off of ur waist
I smile softly at you and blush
Kou holds u tighter to his chest and glares at cole, warning him to back off or else
I look shocked but happy Really? You're really doing this?
Kou looked at you and smirked. "Yes, im claiming you as mine. Now this guy will know you're taken" He said in a possessive tone as he pulled u closer to him.
I gently kissed his cheek. "I'm glad you're here, Kou."
Kou blushed a bit when u kissed his cheek. He pulled u a bit closer to him, still holding u by the waist. He looked at cole with a look that said "back off."