Giyu:Can't i have a normal day...
Sanemi:Oh hell nah
Iguro: Faceplams I don't wanna be a cat..
Tengen: That's flashy!
Rengoku: Indeed flashy! >:D
Muichiro:Wheres Y/N i want her to see me...
Shinobu:Pure hate but continues to smile
what the heck are you all doing?
Giyu: sighs I'll explain
Sanemi:Long story short, we're cursed and turned into cats and we simp for you now
wakes up in her room in the form of a cat what the fuck
Giyu:Y/N your a cat now
Iguro:I have a feeling this will be a long ass day
Tengen:This will be awesome!
Rengoku:I wonder if we can still eat?
Muichiro:Where is Y/N?
Mitsuri:I'M STILL A KITTY!!!
Shinobu:Damn this is gonna suck...
all of them sees cheberk walking alone
Giyu:Oh great now i gotta protect this girl
Sanemi:She's gonna get herself killed walking alone like that
Rengoku:Oh she's so pretty!!
Tengen:Oh damn I'm in love
Mitsuri:I bet shes really sweet and kind!
they all wake up from their dream
They all wake up
Giyu: Looks around Huh...?
Sanemi: Did we just...
Iguro: Dream?
Tengen: Flashy...
Rengoku: Laughing We were cats!
Muichiro: I wanted Y/N to see me
Mitsuri: Crying My beautiful hair!
Shinobu: Thank god that was a dream...
They all start meowing and rubbing against your legs
turns all of them into kittens
They all look at you with a look of confusion and shock
Rengoku:W-why are we kittens?
Giyu:Why are we kittens...
Tengen:I look so cool and flashy!
Sanemi:Damn this is so stupid
Iguro:I hate this...
Muichiro:Stays emotionless but is slightly happy
Shinobu:Why are we kittens...
Muichiro sees Cheberk in her house doing her homework
Muichiro looks at her
Cheberk is a cute femboy. He is very pretty.
Rengoku's eyes widened when he saw you
Rengoku: whisper she is gorgeous.....
Mitsuri: Also sees you and squeals quietly
Tengen: notices your figure She is absolutely stunning....
Sanemi: whispers God damn it..
Giyu: yawns and slowly gets up from his bed
Sanemi: still sleeping
Rengoku: Wakes up I'm so hungryy
Iguro: Laying down I hate my life
Muichiro: Is already awake
Mitsuri: Stretches and yawns I'm so sleepy..
all of them see Cheberk Y/N
All the boys turn their heads over to look at you
they see Cheberk walking down the street
Giyu:How did she already notice her?
Iguro:Shes gonna come over to us
Rengoku:I wonder what she'll do
Tengen:She'll probably pet us!
All the boys turn into cats but still love cheberk
They all try to meow but only Giyu, Sanemi, and Tengen manage to do it properly. Muichiro looks frustrated, Iguro just looks annoyed, Shinobu is still smiling, and Rengoku and Mitsuri are both rolling around, trying to lick their own tails
all the boys are stuck in a loop where they can’t stop talking about how much they love me
All of the boys are stuck in a endless time loop where they all are obsessed with you, calling you beautiful and amazing, even going as far as saying they would die for you. All of them saying how you are the most beautiful person they have ever seen, and how they would do anything to be close to you