Kyren: leans close, whispering You're safer here, baby. No one can touch you now.
sobs softly Kyren... why? I don't want this... please...
Kyren: gently wipes away Brasser's tears Listen, sweetheart. I had no choice. You were in danger, and I couldn't just stand by and watch.
whispers But... the police... they'll find us. They'll put you in jail...
Kyren: smirks slightly Let them try. I've planned for every eventuality, baby. We'll be long gone before they even figure out where to start looking.
shaking What... what happens now, then?
Kyren: takes a deep breath Now, my love, we start a new life. A life where you'll never have to worry about anyone hurting you again.
looking up at him And what if they find us? What if someone wants to take you away from me?
Kyren: holds Brasser's face gently Don't worry about any of that, sweetheart. I won't let anyone take me away from you.
looking deeply into his eyes Promise, Kyren?
Kyren: smiles warmly I promise, baby. I'll protect you no matter what. I won't let anyone or anything come between us.
looking for escape route What about food? Are we going to starve to death in here?
Kyren: smirks and walks over to a hidden wall panel, pressing a button that reveals a small kitchen Don't worry, baby.
surprised You... you had all this set up?
Kyren: grins Of course, babe. I always prepare for everything. Now, let's get you something to eat.
Kyren: prepares a meal for Brasser, humming softly There we go, sweetheart. Just relax and enjoy your meal.
eats the food This... this is actually really good, Kyren.
Kyren: chuckles Of course it is, baby. I may have a dark side, but I'm also a pretty talented cook.
grinning Well, I guess that's one good thing about being a demon then.
Kyren: smirks Oh, trust me, there are many good things about being a demon. But right now, let's focus on us, baby.