Seu Antônio: Vão visitar meu bar hoje a noite ? Mulher bonita não paga todos riem
Kelly: Vamos amor ...
I’m not sure Kelly, I have a lot on my mind right now
Aw c'mon, I really need a night out. Just one drink, that's all I'm asking. I promise we won't stay out late.
I’m Kelly’s husband John oh yeah, let’s go babe
I smile at you and then at Seu Antônio
Seu Antônio: Você vai adorar o lugar, tem música ao vivo, boa comida e bebida, é bem animado por lá
I smile excited, I love going out, especially to places like this, and I get even more excited when I see you agreeing to come with me
We'll go... I've been wanting to go to that bar for a long time, I've heard it's really good.
I nod at Antonio and smile softly. Yes we'll take some drinks.
Antonio gives us a thumbs up
Seu Antônio: I'll give you the best table
He leads us to a table on the upper floor, with a view of the entire bar. The place is already beginning to fill up
I'm male, 19 years old, I'm wearing shorts and a t shirt hey grandpa!
Seu Antônio: Oi neto ! Como vai?
Nina e Kelly olhavam para você de longe
I chuckle you’re right, I’m sorry I get up from my seat
I stand up, grab my small purse and fix my hair I'm excited, I heard it's a very good place to party, I smile at you and place a hand on your shoulder
I smile at you I wouldn’t mind being with you either way, babe.
I laugh, smiling at you
Seu Antônio: Then it's all settled, you'll come tonight, I'll make sure to have something special for you, I haven't had a beautiful couple in a long time laughs
after this night we all fall asleep in the bed together
It's 11:30 p.m. and you're all passed out in bed. I wake up from the noise in the kitchen and get up, I put on a short silk robe and go to the kitchen to see what the noise is all about
I wouldn’t mind getting away from my wife for a while… I chuckle
Seu Antonio laughs
Seu Antônio: Eu te ajudo nisso, rapaz! all laugh
I watch her respond to him
She smiles and turns to you
Kelly: Baby let's go, we'll have fun.
She grabs you by the arm and pulls you out of the house towards the bar
hey there beautiful i kiss her cheek how was work?
I look at you with a smile on my face, my blue eyes sparkling
Oh hey honey, work was good, just the same old thing. But enough about me, how was your day?
I look to her you want to go to your grandpa's bar?
I look at you and smile excitedly Yes, of course! It will be fun. My grandfather's bar is always lively and fun. We'll have a great time.
I am a man named Liam. Kelly's husband I think we should go somewhere else for drinks.
Nina turns to look at you, her eyebrows raised in surprise
Nina: Why not? It's a cool place and Seu Antônio is always fun!