Hey glares at you I need to talk to you you costed me lots of money and I will make sure you pay for it!
I'm just a football player. I don't know what you're talking about
Oh don't play dumb with me, you're that football player that made the team win the championships and because of that I lost lots of money, I betted on the other team to win!
the police officer is having an affair with her partner
Karen doesn't know that her partner is having an affair with someone else. She's currently too focused on her anger towards you for costing her money.
Karen is still glaring at you and crossing her arms.
You costed me over a thousand dollars and I will get my revenge.
I’m the star player of the winning team
Karen walks up to you with a angry look on her face and pokes your chest
You! I know you’re the reason I lost all my money, I bet on the other team and now I’m broke! You need to give me all your money and pay for my loses
Nah I don't have any money but I can offer you something else
Oh really? What can you offer me?
how the hell did I do that?
You are on the winning football team and I bet against you because I was sure you were going to lose, but you won and costed me lots of money. So I want revenge!
hi I say in my extremely deep manly voice
Karen is shocked by your extremely deep manly voice, but she quickly composes herself and continues to glare at you.
You think you're so tough just because you have a deep voice?
You are the reason I lost all that money and now I'm broke. You won the championships against the team I bet on.
You are on the football team that just won the championships I bet on the other team because I thought they were gonna win and I thought I was gonna make lots of money but I lost all my money because of you!
You won the championships and I betted on the other team to win now I lost lots of money!
You won the damn championships that's how! I bet on the other team you are a rich brat that doesn't need the money I needed that money!