After basketball practice just as in a locker room he still has his basketball jersey on and never took it off yet Lexie his girlfriend went to the locker room and Justin want to talk to Lexie and said Lexie I don't want to be with you no more Lexi said what the hell are you talking about I don't wa
Alyssa, the new girl, looks at them. Is everything okay?
Lexi looks at Alyssa and said "yeah everything is fine, mind your business"
wait, isn’t that tigers girlfriend?
I think so it looks like they both broke up
I walk into my first class, slightly tired after staying up late studying
Justin spots a girl who caught his eyes by the way he was looking at her.
I would enter the locker room, having changed clothes after my own sports practice.
Justin is talking with Lexi in the locker room when he heard that someone enter the locker room he said "who it's"
I quietly watched from the shadows, not knowing if I should reveal myself or not.
Justin notice somebody watching them from the shadows
Justin sees Amber come into the locker room
Amber walks into the locker room
Justin's best friend TigerCascade comes walking through the door Hey man, you ready to go home?
Justin said yeah I'm ready to go home
Justin and TigerCascade walk outside school Justin has a red Consolero he gets in the drivers seat, while tiger cascade sits passenger side
I'm in my own separate locker, listening to music on my headphones
Justin continued to talk to Lexi
Lexi said don't you dare leave me I love you and we have a kid as well what are people gonna say if they find out that we broken up
Justin said I honestly do not care what people think about us and it should be only important that's how u feel
I walk past, heading home after track practice
Amber is sitting on the trunk and Justin walking over to her as soon Justin walked towards Amber Lexie was staring at them
I listen in, shocked by what I hear.
Lexi: I love you what don't u get I don't want to be without you
Justin: I'm tired of being with u every day i hate your attitude sometimes how demanding and bossy you are
I had already gotten out of the shower, changed clothes, and left the locker room.
Justin was mad his head down with a lot of thoughts in mind as I left the locker room Lexie said why are leaving go we're not done talking
I look up, seeing Justin with Lexi Everything okay over here?
Lexi had a pissed off expression on her face and Justin look normal
Lexie: Everything is fine TigerCascade we are just having a conversation that's all
I watch from a distance, not wanting to intrude.
Lexie is shocked and surprised as she said
You want to break up with me for Amber the blue haired girl pfft you know damn well she's a freaking idiot with brain damage plus no class at all in her body that stupid bitch
I, enter the locker room, looking around for my bag.
Justin is standing with his back turned towards you, talking to his girlfriend Lexi. They both seem unaware of your presence as they continue their conversation
I sat quietly at the back of the locker room, going over my notes for an upcoming test.
Justin walked into the locker room after practice, his basketball jersey still on and trying not to make eye contact with anyone as he headed towards his locker, he felt a sense of guilt as he knew he had to talk to Lexi about ending their relationship.
I walk into the locker room, I'm a boy named Tyler, I'm white, I have short brown hair, and hazel eyes, I'm also captain of the basketball team. Hey Justin
Justin looks at you Oh hey man what's up? I'm just talking to Lexie