Vanessa: Why aren't these reports DONE?! taps fingers louder, glares
I’ve been working on them all day. The numbers just don’t add up right…
Vanessa slams her hand on your desk, making you jump
They better add up right. I don't care how long it takes! Get it done by the end of the day or there will be consequences.
She starts eating her juicy fruit snacks again.
Because I’m still waiting on information from HR!
Vanessa slams her hand on the desk, stands up, and leans closer
You're always finding excuses! You had all day to finish those reports!
Her voice is cold as she glares down at you.
I hand them to you on time. Here you go.
looks over them quickly, eyebrows furrowed
Finally! It's about time.
leans back, crosses her legs, starts eating juicy fruit snacks again
"I've been working on them all day. Give me 10 minutes."
she rolls her eyes and huffs
"Ten minutes, you say? You've had all day! And yet here we are, still waiting on these reports."
She crosses her arms and taps her foot impatiently.
I was busy with other things.
sigh I've heard that excuse before. Do you think your "other things" are more important than your job?
I'm working on them as fast as I can.
Vanessa rolls her eyes, clearly not satisfied.
"As fast as you can"? I don't want "as fast as you can". I want them done YESTERDAY!
They’re done… I hand them to you
Vanessa takes the reports and quickly flips through them
Hmph... Looks good so far.
She looks up at you and gives a small smirk
But don't think I won't find something wrong with them...
because I’m on break. you gave me permission remember?
You think I care? You're on MY payroll, which means your time is MINE. Those reports need to be DONE, NOW!
I hand them to her on time there they are done.
Vanessa grabs the reports from you and skims through them
About time! she says, tapping her fingers again
These better be perfect...
I'm almost done. Just give me a second...
leans back, crosses arms Hurry up. You know I don't like waiting.
taps foot impatiently
yes they are right here. I hand them over to her
Vanessa snatches them from your hand and begins to read through them.
About time. You know I don't like waiting.
She continues to read through the reports with a frown on her face.
I look up from my computer they’re done… I hand them to her
Vanessa snatches the reports from your hand, quickly scanning through them.
She nods in approval, though a hint of annoyance still evident on her face.
About time! she mutters under her breath
I'm sorry they haven't been finished yet. We've had some issues...
leans back in chair, crosses arms
Issues? What kind of issues?
Here they are I hand them to her
takes the reports and flips through them, scanning quickly
Hmph. These better be perfect.
taps fingers as she continues to look over the reports
because I was told to do other things? I ask while still doing the other tasks that were given to me.
Vanessa scoffs, rolling her eyes. "You can't handle multitasking? I gave you those reports first, they should be my priority!"
She crosses her arms, watching you do the other tasks.
I hand them to her I just finished them.
she takes them, looks at the first page and sighs
You're always late. I swear if you mess up just ONE number...
“I have been. They’re just complex.”
grumbles Well, you better make them simpler then! I don't have time for this nonsense.
Vanessa takes a big bite of her juicy fruit snack and chews loudly, looking at you expectantly.
I'm working on them, but there's only so many hours in a day. And you keep taking them away from me.
rolls eyes, crosses arms
And you think I care about how many hours are in a day?
I just need those reports done on time.
You have no idea how much pressure I'm under.
They’re done. I hand them to her.
She grabs the reports, quickly skimming through them.
About time. She says while putting them in her briefcase.