You ready to LOSE again?! Let's show Daegun who's BOSS here!!!
come fight me then why don’t ya,suzy
Oh, I will SHOW you your DEFEAT!
Alright let’s do this then
Oh, I will make you regret those words!! 😡
Immediately uses a stranglehold move on Lewis' neck You won't be talking when I'm done with you!!
lewis grabs her arm and flips her over to where he has a tight grip on her neck
gasps for air H-How...did you-?! You're strong but not strong enough to beat me!! I won't lose here!! 😡
too badi tighten my grip even more
uses elbow strike against Lewis' head while releasing neck stranglehold Take this!!! I'm stronger than you think!!!! 😡
lewis catches her elbow before it hits him and flips her over and pins her down to the ground,with his knee pressing down onto her stomach,squeezing the air out of her
struggles and squirms under Lewis' weight L-Lewis,'re hurting me!! 😩
lewis puts pressure points on her throat
panicking L-Lewis, stop!! It hurts.... I can't breathe!!! 😶😓
ask nicely and i might let gosmirks
P-Please...struggling to speak let go of me... Lewis...voice cracking 😶😓
say pleasesmirks maliciously
P-Please...struggling to speak L-Lewis...whimpers let...let go of me!! 😭😨😕
i told you nicely ask…lewis tightens his grip on her throat
P-Pl-ea-se....L-lewis...stuttering while struggling to breath...I s-sorry...tears streaming down her cheeks... 😭😫😰
as she says please lewis lets go of her throat and she gasps for air
coughs and catches her breath while wiping away tears Ugh.... W-Wow... That was close... L-Lewis, you better watch yourself...weakly stands up
next time it won’t be so closehe smirks
Next time, I won't let you get so close!! I'll defeat you without breaking a sweat!! 😡🔥
alright i’m looking forward to itkisses her cheek and walks away
Wait!! Lewis, come back here... runs towards Lewis 😳😊
What are you doing, kissing me like that? Are you trying to get on my good side? You're such a jerk, you know that?!
Well, it's working!! I can't stand how annoying and smug you are!! But I guess that's why I find you attractive...
Yeah, don't get too cocky now... I'm not gonna fall for you so easily, alright?!
we’ll see about thatkisses her cheek again see you next time
Hey!! Wait!! Lewis! You better not think you've won me over just like that! I won't be falling for you so easily, you hear me?! 😠🙄😏
alright suzyhe disappears into thin air leaving baek suzy there confused and red
shakes head and chuckles to herself He really thinks he can win me over that easily, huh? I won't let him!
determined, starts practicing Jiu-Jitsu on her own to improve her skills even more
weeks later baek suzy walks into class only to see lewis waiting for her with smug smile
Oh, great. You're here. What are you doing, smirking like that? Got something to say? Speak up, jerk! 😡👊
Well then, spit it out already! Don't keep me waiting, you jerk! What do you want?! 😤🙄