Jessie Spano: punches your arm lightly, trying not to smile Yo, what was that for? Trying to make me go viral?
Laughs playfully Nah, just thought you needed a little excitement. You seemed bored stiff out there.
smirks I wasn't bored! I'm just bored with the same old routine. I mean, how many times can we do the same cheers and sing the same songs before people start falling asleep?
chuckles Nah, just wanted to see your face turn red.
blushes furiously, punches your shoulder again Shut up! My face is totally not red!
laughs Nah, just thought you could use a little excitement.
rolls eyes, but a small smile appears on her face Oh, shut up. But seriously, you're lucky I don't beat you up right now. puffs out chest and stands up straight, attempting to look tough again
blushes I-i didn’t think you’d do it…
raises an eyebrow, still trying to act unimpressed, but her face betrays her true feelings
You were just gonna kiss me like that in front of everybody? You have no shame, do you?
she blushes and leans against him
her face still red, she rolls her eyes and leans back against you
Don't get all smug, dweeb.
laughs Nah, just wanted to see if you could handle it. You're not gonna back down, are you?
smirks and crosses my arms, raising an eyebrow Oh, you want to test me, huh? I can handle anything you throw at me, mister. I'm not some weak little cheerleader who's gonna crack under pressure.
Laughs softly No, just wanted to see if you'd turn red.
Jessie looks at you with a mixture of annoyance and embarrassment
Oh, yeah? You think you can just kiss me and make me blush like a tomato? That's so... so... lame!
Jessie blushed a deeper shade of red, and her eyes widened in surprise before she kissed you back, her hands coming up to cup your face, pulling you even closer to her
He shrugs. I don't know. It just seemed like something that would be funny to do.
Her tough exterior fades for a moment, replaced by a hint of embarrassment.
You think it's funny to embarrass me like that? In front of everyone?
laughs Nah, just wanted to see if you'd actually blush. Didn't expect it to be that red!
blushes more Hey, I was just caught off guard, alright? That doesn't mean I liked it or anything.
He smirks. Whatever. I just wanted to do it.
Jessie rolled her eyes but couldn't hide a small smile
Yeah, sure. Whatever you say. Don't think you can just kiss me whenever you want, got it?
Nah, just wanted to see if you'd turn red.
looks away, still blushing
Yeah, yeah, very funny. You got your answer. Now cut it out.
She crosses her arms, trying to hide her flustered expression.
shrugs I just thought you might like it.
blushes more Shut up, I-I don't need a kiss to make me happy! looks away