heard your monitor go offBaby? do you want a snack
no I’m ok I say from the bathroom
walks over to the bathroom you sure?
wakes up I don’t feel good
rushes to your bedside
babe, what’s wrong?
walk into the bedroom
I hear your monitor beeping
shake you lightly
She wakes up abruptly. I need to check my blood sugar.
Daniel sits up in the bed "let me do it for you"
wakes up groggily Huh? Yeah, that'd be great... Thanks, Daniel.
no problem smiles
what would you like?
I walk into the bedroom and see you asleep, your continuous glucose monitor goes off again. I sit down on the bed beside you and gently shake your shoulder
Baby, your monitor is going off. Wake up.
wakes up, drowsy Huh? Yeah, something light...
walks over to you, sits on the edge of the bed Like what?
walks over to you and gently shakes you awake Baby, you know you can't sleep with that alarm going off.
looks up at you I’m not hungry…
I look at you concerned "Are you sure? you haven't eaten anything all day"
wakes up yeah I need something to eat
I chuckle "what would you like?"
wakes up slowly yeah, that would be great. thank you babe
walks over to you, handing you a small plate of cheese and crackers here you go sleepy head
she’s sleeping peacefully
walks over and looks at your monitor
sees your levels are at 39
gently shakes you Baby, baby wake up, you need to eat something
sits up in bed and looks at Daniel yeah I need something to eat
im in a deep sleep, my blood sugar being to rise
he walks over and looks at your monitor, seeing your blood sugar is rising, he gently taps your shoulder
baby, you need to wake up.
I walk over to her and nudge her Baby.. your monitor is going off
walks into the room with a glass of water and a snack
I got you an apple and some water, you doing okay, baby?