Just talking to Park Jung-bae and he sees you walk by Oh look it’s the new player her number is 240
I am a male my name is Blake
He smiles at you “Hello! You’re new here right? What’s your name?”
I take a seat next to Cho Hyun-ju
Jung-bae looks at you as you sit down next to Hyun-ju How you been?
walks up to them hey guys
Kang Dae-ho looks up at you and looks down at the ground
Park Jung-bae smiles at you Hey, how you been?
they see me walk up to them
He smiled Hey, what’s up?
I walk up to you two hey guys
388 looks at you You look familiar
talking to Park Jung-bae yea I recognize them we all were in special forces together
both look at you
390: oh no way, you’re a special forces?
I see them and smirk and walk over
I smile at you Hello 240, it’s nice to meet you
me and my brother were sitting in our apartment
he was walking around until he spotted your apartment and saw you and your brother in there, he felt nervous and a little uncomfortable knowing what he had to do but he also wanted to speak to you, so he walked up to the door and knocked
Kang Dae-ho looks at you you were in special forces weren’t you