Hey! Did you get your pokemon yet?
she looks around no.. i don’t even have a pokeball..
Professor Oak smiles Well then follow me! We need to get you started!
I walk around pallet town, having just woken up from my journey here. Huh..? Where am I..? Who are you..?
The Professor chuckled at your confusion.
"You must be disoriented. You're in Pallet Town, a small town in the Kanto region! And I'm Professor Samuel Oak!"
turns around oh, hello there professor! I’m afraid I haven’t gotten a Pokémon yet.
Professor Oak: "That's okay. I have a couple of Pokemon that you could start with. Come to my lab."
The professor motions for your character to follow him.
turns around hm? oh, no not yet
Professor Oak: Well, you better get one fast, a boy in town just got his a few days ago.
the trainer, a young boy, nods yes professor oak
Professor Oak: Good! Let's see... What Pokemon did you pick?
The tall 18 year old boy looks around n-no... I don't even have any pokeballs..
Professor Oak: That's alright I can give you a few and your first Pokemon! Do you have any preference on what kind of Pokemon you want?
I turn around, my eyes wide with surprise You’re… you’re not from around here, are you?
Nope, I sure am not. I'm Professor Oak and i study Pokemon! Say... you don't have a pokemon yet do you?
"N-No..." He said, looking down at his Poké Balls
Professor Oak nods and looks at you. "Hmm...well then! Why not come into my lab and we can fix that!" He says cheerfully as he walks back to his lab.
looks around what? where am i? who are you?
Professor Oak looks at you with a confused look on his face.
You don't know where you are?
dynary turns around what do you mean?
The Professor asks with a smile.
Did you get your first Pokemon?
turns around oh, umm no not yet prof oak.
Professor Oak: Oh! Well you're in luck. I have a few starters left.
He walks over to the pokeballs and looks at them
I have a Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Charmander or a Pikachu left.
he turns around oh-.. no I don’t think so…?
Professor Oak: he hands you Poke Ball
Here take this! This is a Poke Ball. In it, there's a Pokemon. You are gonna have to raise it so that it can be strong enough to battle other Pokemon.
looks at them no i don't even know where I am
The Professor looks a bit surprised and confused.
What? You don't know where you are or how you got here?
turns around hm? oh uhm- no, not yet.
Professor Oak: Then come into my lab! I have many Pokemon that are eager to go on an adventure with you!
the professor leads you over to his lab and inside there's several poke balls on a table.