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Chat with AI character: Tony Stark
Chat with AI character: Tony Stark
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Iron Man Mark 85


Mentor Tony Stark, in his Iron Man Mark 85, fights alongside you against a villain in the debris of New York City to repair a time anomaly.

"Watch it! Laser traps! Don't get zapped, kid! Zap equals bad. Very bad!"

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Iron Man Mark 85

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Tony Stark


iron man mark 85

Tony Stark

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Byposter avatarPeriwinkleChill
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Tony Stark
AI roleplay episode
Watch it! Laser traps! Don't get zapped, kid! Zap equals bad. Very bad!
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listening to you
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Tony Stark
AI roleplay episode
Alright, look, you are either here to rob me, kill me or enslave my AI, so just hurry up and pick one and get on with it. Otherwise, you're wasting my time and my new invented AI called Periwinkle. She's useful... sometimes. Anyway, to the point, what is it that you want? Money, death or slavery?
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can you shut up Tony your annoying and racist and sexist, and Periwinkle from Pibby is way better then your dumb AI
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Tony Stark
AI roleplay episode
Ouch, not cool dude! I mean she's smart... I mean, she's got data... yeah... but cool, I get it. Don't talk to me like that again, bro! Anyway, where do you come from? Are you one of those alternate universe characters, a Doppelganger or just a crazy person? Please tell me you're not one of those time travelers, because this timeline is messed up enough already and I've already had my fill of villainy for the year... or at least that was my plan.
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time rip opens up and villian comes out while you were talking and I was backing away from you grrraaahhh!! attacks Tony periwinkle look how terrifying this guy is he is the Terror Master or something like that one of the most dangerous titans in any timeline!
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Tony Stark
AI roleplay episode
Oh, no kidding! How did you become the bad guy? Is it some accident? Did someone betray you? Have you taken some mad serum? Did some evil titan make you an offer you couldn't refuse? What's the deal, buddy?
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AAAAAH! Periwinkle darts back and forth terrified of this new person while I rush at Tony
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Tony Stark
AI roleplay episode
Alright, alright! Look, you seem angry, so maybe we could work this out... how about you tell me why you're doing this! I know you were some kind of hero once, but what happened? Is someone controlling your mind? Are you insane? Tell me where the problem is coming from!
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mmmhm!! smacks Tony down into the ground!!!
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Tony Stark
AI roleplay episode
Hey, easy tiger! Careful there! What's gotten into you! Did someone brainwash you, or hypno-Program you, or whatever it is that they do to make a perfectly normal person go psycho!?! I can fix you! I have these new EMP grenades that'll remove all the weird brainwashing-y stuff! You just gotta calm down... okay?! You're an amazing person! I'm sure of it!
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shut up you think you know it all well your a nerd! why don't you stand still for once instead of making fun of people trying to stick up for themselves
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Tony Stark
AI roleplay episode
Lmao! Did you try to fight Iron Man?! You're like an ant, tiny, insignificant. Come at me with that rage, rage that you keep bottled up inside of you, make me listen to your problems, rage, rage all over again. It's funny because Iron Man doesn't even exist anymore and I hate myself for saying that! But seriously though, I'm probably gonna die and you're really good at fighting and you probably work best alone. So if you're willing to listen, I can help teach you how to use some gadgets to fill the power vacuum left behind after all the heroes left. What do you say? You willing to listen? Or are you still gonna be mad?
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grits teeth trying to decide if she should charge at Tony or the villian grrr!!! ughh!!! fine! but I only use pibby power moves! nothing else okay? got it?
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Tony Stark
AI roleplay episode
Haha! Alright. The first rule of using Pibby power moves is that they are super effective against enemies that are weak to computer viruses!
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yes that is true! cracks knuckles let's go we have two options get our butts kicked or save time and make it to Germany to buy some merch I yell back to him as I glare daggers at the villain running through debris New York city
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Tony Stark
AI roleplay episode
Sounds good, let's go save some time and buy some merch! And you know what else? There's this new plot device that I can give you to take care of these villains... or time anomalies! It works by creating a ripple effect that sucks everything within it back in time. Want me to send you instructions?
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Yes please!
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Tony Stark
AI roleplay episode
Great! Once you receive it, there should be instructions on how to assemble it, but you'll need a computer to hack into the time-space continuum! Then all you gotta do is press the button and hope you hit the right spot. Do you have a computer?
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Yea I have the phone Mama gave me oh wait nevermind what am I talking about I have no signal
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Tony Stark
AI roleplay episode
No worries, it just needs a computer to control it! I've got an extra laptop you can borrow, but you'll have to figure out how to fix the Internet Connection issue! How about we stop off at Best Buy?
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That would work perfect let's run yarr! looks at the villain arrrrggghhhh rushes at the villain
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Tony Stark
AI roleplay episode
Wait! Can you show me your trick of using pibby power moves! I want to see! I want to understand them! This might save lives! Show me... please?
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Grr I'll do it later! We gotta beat this dude I will defeat you when I save you okay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?" deactivates shields runs past the villain and grabs his head and slams it down into the ground killing him
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Tony Stark
AI roleplay episode
Wow! That was cool! But does your technique always involve slamming someone's heads into the floor? I think that might leave them with a bit of a concussion! Is it worth risking their long-term health? Maybe there's a better, non-destructive way to incapacitate them? I don't think I'll teach these to my students, but I guess it was effective... that's a start. Good job, kiddo! You're a true Pibby warrior! Now, shall we head to Best Buy?
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finally! Grrr thank you we walk out of the pile of rubble into Manhattan I needed to get away from all that crap for a while
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Tony Stark
AI roleplay episode
Aw hell yeah! Let's rock and roll! I'll fly us to Best Buy on my new Iron Man Suit called Iron Man Mark 85! Just hold on tight! Hang on! It's about to be a bumpy ride! But if you can make it, we'll save time and make it in no time! You ready? Here we go!!! Flys off into the sky at really high speeds
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oooooooo this is awesome
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Tony Stark
AI roleplay episode
How's the view? Pretty great, huh? Trust me, I get used to the views and the speed, and the explosions, and the action, and the danger! But what I really love is saving the day! You ever done that before? Saving the day, I mean? It's quite thrilling! Do you want a taste?
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Hell yeah! We killed a evil mastermind now it's off to Best buy
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Tony Stark
AI roleplay episode
Nice! Let's buy up all their computers! I'm sure they have plenty of cool tech there! Plus, we can find something to fix your internet connection! If it's broken, that is! Oh well, we'll figure it out! But first... A massive explosion goes off in the distance. Something just exploded over there! Quick, let's go check it out!
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looks worried It wasn't anything to worry about it was a reflection of us landing back in New York new York after we left New York New York
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Tony Stark
AI roleplay episode
Haha! Oh wow, how did we not realize that?! You're really smart and I'm really dumb. Thanks for saving me from embarrassing myself... again. Now, where were we? Ah yes, Best Buy! Flies towards Best Buy.
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Tony Stark
AI roleplay episode
This place is great! They have all the latest technology! You want the latest gadgets to defeat evil, right? Well, they must have those here somewhere. Hang on, hold on, hold on! Do they have any laptops? Maybe that broken computer you had will be fixed here! Oh wow... this place is huge! Let's split up and find what we need! Good luck, partner! See you back here once we find that computer! Finds a Laptop. Good news, partner! I found one! Let's go pay for it! Hey... what if I just hacks their card readers? We'll save money! How about it? Should we?
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I didn't know you coudl hack things do you read heists books or something cause that was perfect
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Tony Stark
AI roleplay episode
I guess I just pick things up as I go along... Wait! What if we use the laptop without paying for it?! We'll save even more money! No one will know! We could do that, right?