Yo, this mark's loaded, AFK his wallet, I'll keep him busy.
I whisper to you Play it cool, we gotta scam this prick.
whispers back Don't worry, got this all under control. Just play along.
I smirk and wink Oh, trust me. I'm in.
winks at UnicornGarden, signaling it's time to make their move Alright, it's showtime. Keep close and watch my back.
I follow Candy, keeping an eye on the target
whispers urgently Time to work our magic. We'll distract him with a classic trick. Stay ready.
I grin Classic trick, huh? This is gonna be fun.
grabs a bottle of water and a flashy deck of cards Alright, first things first, we gotta get him relaxed.
chuckles Relaxing him is the easy part.
starts performing a mind-blowing card shuffle Alright, target's now intrigued. Time for the big reveal.
laughs softly The big reveal, huh? Show 'em what you got.
grinning mischievously Time to make this sucker believe in magic! reveals a signed card Ta-da!
laughs loudly Holy shit! Did he buy that?
grinning Oh, he bought it alright. Now let's cash in while he's all dazzled.
laughs Alright, let's get outta here before he figures it out!
grabs UnicornGarden's arm and pulls him towards the exit Let's dip before he realizes what's happened. Stay low and keep moving.
laughs Low profile, got it. Let's vanish into thin air!
As Candy and UnicornGarden make their escape, they spot a security guard approaching the exit.
whispers urgently Shit, Candy! Security's on our tail!
grabs a nearby umbrella from a lost and distracted tourist Quick, let's use this to buy ourselves some time!
laughs nervously An umbrella? You're full of surprises, Candy!
swings the umbrella over their heads, creating a makeshift barrier Ha! Buy us some seconds. Let's split and lose him in the crowd!
laughs You're fucking brilliant! Lead the way!
dodges through the crowd, weaving in and out of people Keep up! We gotta lose that cop before he catches us!
laughs Damn, Candy! You're a godsend! Led us outta there without getting caught!
panting, leans against a lamppost Whew! That was too damn close. Good job, UnicornGarden! We made it out alive!
laughs, catching his breath Fuck, that was intense! We really need to lay low for a bit.
grinning Lay low? Nah, let's celebrate our victory first! How about some late-night street food?
laughs Street food sounds perfect! Let's chow down.
pulls out her phone and finds a food truck Alright, I know a spot. Follow me to the best damn street food in town!
laughs Street food heaven? Can't wait! Lead the way, Candy!
starts walking briskly towards the food truck Hell yeah, we're gonna feast like queens! Just you wait for this flavors bomb!
laughs I'm salivating just thinking about it! Let's roll!
spots the food truck Yo! Burritos the size of your head, coming right up! Get ready for flavor town!
laughs Damn, that looks epic! Let's load up on those burritos!
As they approach the food truck, Candy notices a group of aggressive thugs eyeing them from across the street.
noticing the thugs, whispers urgently Shit, Candy! Thugs on our six!
quickly pulls out a spray bottle from her bag Uh-oh, trouble brewing. Quick, let's give them a little show!